Results for organiziraniji translation from Croatian to English

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kada bi samo bio još organiziraniji . "


i just wish it were more organized . "

Last Update: 2013-01-10
Usage Frequency: 1

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potom su drugi , puno organiziraniji i profesionalniji ubojice , započeli pripremu drugog atentata na pukanića .


then a second , much better organised and more professional , group of hired guns began their preparations for the second attempt on pukanic 's life .

Last Update: 2012-07-08
Usage Frequency: 1


razvojem strukturiranog okvira za provedbu i informiranje mogao bi se uvesti učinkovitiji i organiziraniji način dostavljanja informacija zahtijevanih u direktivi,


the development of the structured information and implementation frameworks (hereinafter siifs) could be a way to facilitate a more effective and streamlined way to provide the information requested under the uwwtd.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


mladi, sve organiziraniji i koordiniraniji, glasno zahtijevaju svoj glas u postupku odlučivanja i traže istinsku participativnu demokraciju na svim razinama.


young people – increasingly well organised and coordinated – are loudly demanding their say in decision-making processes and calling for genuine participatory democracy at all levels.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


mladi, sve organiziraniji i koordiniraniji, snažno zahtijevaju svoju ulogu u postupku odlučivanja i traže istinsku participativnu demokraciju na svim razinama.


young people – increasingly well organised and coordinated – are loudly demanding their say in decision-making processes and calling for genuine participatory democracy at all levels.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


pojednostavljenje carinskih postupaka i trgovine – jednostavniji i organiziraniji postupci važni su jer dugotrajna i složena pravila carinjenja najviše utječu na manja poduzeća, pa mogu odvratiti poduzetnike od trgovine na području s druge strane oceana.


customs and trade facilitation - simplifying and streamlining procedures, especially important, since lengthy, complex customs clearance rules hit smaller firms the hardest and can deter entrepreneurs from selling overseas.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


uspjehom interneta olakšava se ne samo zakonitim poduzećima, već i onima koji vrše povredu prava intelektualnog vlasništva i koji postaju organiziraniji i svoje poslovne modele brzo prilagođavaju kako bi iskoristili manjkavosti u zaštiti intelektualnog vlasništva, da trguju na lokalnim, nacionalnim i međunarodnim tržištima po relativno niskim cijenama.


the success of the internet makes it easier not only for legitimate businesses, but also for those that engage in ip infringement, who are increasingly organised and quick to adapt their business models to exploit loopholes in ip protection, to market themselves locally, nationally and internationally at relatively low cost.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


dok prije u cijelom području nije bilo deponija koji su bili u skladu s propisima eu, novi deponij koji pokriva ruse i četiri druga grada iz tog područja, sada je već postavljen i radi. projekt je primio nešto preko 5,5 milijuna eura od ispa-e i rezultirao je zatvaranjem 18 divljih odlagališta i posljedičnim poboljšanjem upravljanja i kontrolom područnog otpada ili konkretnije: poboljšani su omjeri ponovne uporabe i reciklaže, skupljanje i transport otpada su organiziraniji, odlaganje je više u skladu sa svjesnosti o okolišu i sprječava istjecanje kontaminanata u vodenu ploču i dunav te poboljšani nadzor.


where before there were no landfill sites that complied with ec regulations in the area, the new landfill site that covers ruse and four other municipalities in the region, is now up and running. e project received just over €5.5 million from ispa and resulted in the closure of 18 tipping sites and subsequent improvement in the management and control of the area’s waste, specifically: improved reuse and recycle ratios; more organised collections and transportation; environmentally aware disposal, preventing the leaching of contaminants into the water table and the danube, and improved monitoring.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

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