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constitutional revision

Last Update: 2014-11-14
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: IATE


erklæring fra formandskabet på den europæiske unions vegne om folkeafstemningen om grundlovsændring i venezuela


declaration by the presidency, on behalf of the european union, on the referendum on constitutional reform in venezuela

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


vi har stemt for betænkningen, da vi går ud fra, at en grundlovsændring ikke vil blive aktuel.


we have voted in favour of the report as we assume that no constitutional change needs to be made.

Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE


allerede om godt en måned, den 17. oktober, kan denne grundlovsændring være en fuldbyrdet kendsgerning.


a week ago to the day, the belarusian president lukashenko highlighted this chasm by issuing a decree to legitimise and consolidate his authoritarian presidency via the ballot box even after 2006.

Last Update: 2008-03-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


for at kunne indføre den europæiske stemmeret er en grundlovsændring med et parlamentarisk flertal på to tredjedele nødvendig i belgien.


in order to introduce these european voting rights, an amendment of the belgian constitution is in fact necessary, with a two-thirds majority in parliament.

Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE


i litauen må ratificeringen af europaaftalen sandsynligvis udsættes lidt endnu, fordi en grundlovsændring er nødvendig med henblik herpå.


the problems in the industrial regions of central and eastern europe, as well as the increasingly serious environmental problems in that part of the world, are important not only to central and eastern europe, but to europe as a whole.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


heller ikke sveriges foreløbigt, men endnu ikke endeligt vedtagne forslag til grundlovsændring for så vidt angår nationalbankens stilling anses af kommissionens for fyldestgørende. i sverige er nationalbankens stilling fastlagt i grundloven.


this was the worst act perpetrated in a christian burial ground during the last decade.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


især i afrika følges valg ofte af intimidation, vold, svindel eller udelukkelse af rivaler gennem en grundlovsændring, hvilket skete for nylig i côte d' ivoire.


especially in africa, elections are often accompanied by intimidation, violence, fraud or the elimination of rivals via constitutional reform, as was recently the case in the côte d' ivoire.

Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE


både maastricht-traktaten og selve det bindende direktiv blev i mit land godkendt med almindeligt flertal, selvom en grundlovsændring om stemmeret i belgien kun kunne være foretaget med et flertal på to tredjedele i parlamentet.


both the maastricht treaty and this binding directive itself were approved with a simple majority in flanders, despite the fact that under belgian law a constitutional change to voting rights should only have been possible on the basis of a two-thirds parliamentary majority.

Last Update: 2012-03-22
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE


jeg er imidlertid enig med ham i forbindelse med bekæmpelsen af hvidvaskning af penge og international narkotikahandel, udarbejdelsen af en humanitær og politisk løsning for tjetjenien, øgede fredsopgaver for fn, samt at hjælpen til makedonien skal være afhængig af gennemførelsen af den aftalte grundlovsændring.


i reject this part of his proposals, although i do share his views on the struggle against money laundering and against the international drugs trade, finding a humanitarian and political solution for chechnya, strengthening the peace-building capacity of the united nations and making aid for macedonia dependent on the implementation of the agreed amendment to the constitution.

Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE


alligevel synes opmærksomheden at være koncentreret om en revision af grundloven, og om de enkelte foranstaltninger, som logisk set burde kunne følge deraf. man skal desuden være klar over, at en grundlovsændring kræver et to tredjedels flertal i det tyrkiske parlament.


nevertheless, attention seems to be focused on amending the constitution and on the special measures which this could give rise to, though we must not forget that constitutional amendments require a two-thirds majority in the turkish parliament.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


derfor håber jeg, at beslutningen om nu på fredag endnu en gang at tage denne sag op til prøvelse i forhold til den nuværende grundlov og de planlagte grundlovsændringer og altså ikke drøne direkte mod et forbud er en del af en mere fuldstændig kursændring i det centrale spørgsmål, som det efter min mening drejer sig om, nemlig hvordan politiske, kulturelle og religiøse mindretal i tyrkiet kan få en plads i det politiske system.


i can only hope, therefore, that the decision to re-examine this case next friday in terms of the present constitution and the proposed constitutional changes, and not to proceed full steam ahead towards a ban, forms part of a more general change of direction regarding what, in my view, is the central issue under debate here, namely the question of how political, cultural and religious minorities in turkey should be accorded a place in the political system.

Last Update: 2012-03-22
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE

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