Results for tillaegsimporttold translation from Danish to English

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de produkter, for hvilke der kan anvendes tillaegsimporttold i henhold til artikel 5 i landbrugsaftalen


the products to which additional import duties shall apply under the terms of article 5 of the agreement on agriculture;

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


de udloesningspriser, under hvilke der kan paalaegges en tillaegsimporttold, er dem, faellesskabet meddeler


the trigger prices below which an additional duty may be imposed shall be those notified by the community to the world trade organization.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


b) de bestemmelser, der er anfoert i bilagene om importtold og tillaegsimporttold, og som gaelder for de produkter i bilag xiii og xvi, for hvilke der anvendes en indgangspris, fra begyndelsen af produktionsaaret for de beroerte produkter i 1995


(b) the provisions laid down in the annexes on import duties and additional import duties which apply to products listed in annexes xiii and xvi for which an entry price is applicable shall apply during 1995 as from the commencement of the marketing year for the products concerned in 1995;

Last Update: 2014-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1


for at undgaa eller afhjaelpe skadelige virkninger for ef-markedet af import af bestemte landbrugsprodukter, paalaegges importen til toldsatsen i den faelles toldtarif af et eller flere af disse produkter en tillaegsimporttold, hvis betingelserne i artikel 5 i den aftale om landbrug, der er indgaaet i overensstemmelse med traktatens artikel 228 under de multilaterale handelsforhandlinger i uruguay-rundens regi, er opfyldt, undtagen i tilfaelde hvor importen ikke risikerer at skabe forstyrrelser paa ef-markedet, eller virkningerne ikke staar i forhold til det maal, der soeges


in order to prevent or counteract adverse effects on the market in the community which may result from imports of certain agricultural products, imports of one or more of such products at the rate of duty laid down in the common customs tariff shall be subject to payment of an additional import duty if the conditions set out in article 5 of the agreement on agriculture concluded in accordance with article 228 of the treaty in the framework of the uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations have been fulfilled, unless the imports are unlikely to disturb the community market, or where the effects would be disproportionate to the intended objective.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2

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