Results for tilskyndelsesordning translation from Danish to English

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incentive scheme

Last Update: 2014-11-15
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE


forbedring af bistandens kvalitet, særlig gennem oprettelse af en tilskyndelsesordning.


improving the quality of the assistance, notably through the creation of an ‘incentive’ scheme.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


ud over de nationale handlingsprogrammer etableres der en tilskyndelsesordning, der skal indføre et element af konkurrence i ressourcetildelingen.


in addition to the national action programmes, an incentive scheme shall be established which shall introduce an element of competition into the allocation of resources.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


højst 20 % af det årlige budget kan tildeles til den i artikel 4 omhandlede "tilskyndelsesordning".


a maximum of 20 % of the annual budget could be allocated to the "incentive scheme" as outlined in article 4.

Last Update: 2014-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE
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en række medlemmer har antydet, at de foreslåede lofter for investeringsprojekter og den nye tilskyndelsesordning og forordningen er et indgreb i budgetmyndighedens beføjelser.


a number of members have suggested that the proposed ceilings for investment projects and the new incentive scheme and the regulation interfere with the prerogatives of the budgetary authority.

Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE


højst 25% af det årlige budget kan blive tildelt til den i artikel 4 omhandlede "tilskyndelsesordning".


a maximum of 25% of the annual budget could be allocated to the “incentive scheme” as outlined in article 4.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE
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3.9 de fire forudsætninger er: en effektiv finansiel tilskyndelsesordning, garanterede og rimelige netadgangsbetingelser, transparente administrative procedurer og offentlig accept.


3.9 these conditions are as follows: an efficient financial incentive model; guaranteed, fair conditions in respect of access to the grid; transparent administrative procedures; and public acceptance.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


eksklusiv levering og mængdeforpligtelser pålagt leverandøren, hvor leverandøren i henhold til en forpligtelse eller tilskyndelsesordning, som denne har aftalt med køberen, udelukkende eller hovedsagelig sælger til en enkelt køber


exclusive supply and quantity-forcing on the supplier, where an obligation or incentive scheme agreed between the supplier and the buyer makes the former sell only or mainly to one buyer;

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: IATE


denne tilskyndelsesordning svarer til ordningen for de nye programmer under strukturfondene (bevillingerne frigøres, hvis der ikke foreligger en anmeldelse af de faktiske udgifter inden to år).


this incentive system is similar to that contained in the new structural funds programmes (release of credits in the absence of a declaration of actual expenditure after 2 years).

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


for det fjerde skal der naturligvis tillige indføres en tilskyndelsesordning; enten i form af en præstationsreserve, således som kommissionen foreslår, eller i form af en mid-term review.


it must also ensure assistance to claim the funds goes to the voluntary organizations and do everything possible to break the mould and to ensure that the new programming period from 1999 starts on time.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


denne kategori omfatter eksklusive købsaftaler, hvor en forpligtelse eller tilskyndelsesordning aftalt mellem leverandøren og køberen bevirker, at sidstnævnte udelukkende dækker sit behov for en bestemt vare eller tjenesteydelse hos leverandøren, men giver køberen mulighed for at købe og sælge konkurrerende varer og tjenesteydelser.


this group includes exclusive purchasing, where an obligation or incentive scheme agreed between the supplier and the buyer makes the latter purchase its requirements for a particular good or service exclusively from the supplier, but leaving the buyer free to buy and sell competing goods or services.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE


det glæder mig, at i anerkender innovationerne i det nye program, f.eks. forbindelserne med partnerskabs- og samarbejdsaftaler, differentiering mellem regionerne, koncentration- som er medtaget på grundlag af erfaringer, og, som hr. clegg sagde, drejer sig om et begrænset antal temaer på tværs af sektorerne- mere udbredt brug af finansiering gennem investering og en tilskyndelsesordning for at højne kvaliteten i projekterne via en konkurrencemekanisme.


i am pleased that you recognise the innovations included in the new programme such as links with the partnership and cooperation agreements, regional differentiation, concentration, a point made with the benefit of experience- concentration, as mr clegg said, on a restricted number of cross-sectoral themes- wider use of investment financing and an incentive scheme aimed at improving the quality of projects through a competitive mechanism.

Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE

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