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خاص بعلم الخلايا (دراسة بنية الخلية ووظائفها)

Last Update: 2018-04-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb


cytological biopsy


خَزْعَةٌ سيتولوجِيَّة

Last Update: 1970-01-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb
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English 2007, specializing in cytological abnormality and pathology.

Arabic 2007 ، متخصصة في علم الأمراض والشذوذ الخلوي.

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


coverage by cytological screening for cervical cancer rose to 84 per cent.


كما أن التغطية بخدمات كشف سرطان عنق الرحم عن طريق اختبار الخلايا قد بلغت نسبة 84 في المائة.

Last Update: 2016-12-01
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Drkhateeb


these programs also stirred up interest in cytological and mammography checks both within the medical community and of patients.


وأثارت هذه البرامج أيضا الاهتمام بين الأطباء والمرضى لإجراء فحوصات سيتولوجية وتصوير إشعاعي للثدي.

Last Update: 2016-12-02
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Drkhateeb


he hasn't had any more seizures, and cytological examination of the subdural fluid showed no abnormalities.


لم تعد لديه أيّة نوبات والفحص الخلويّ للسائل تحت الجافية لم يُظهر أيّ إختلال

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


and indeed, the number of cytological tests performed by the clinical cytology division of the national health laboratory has increased.


ويزداد على نحو فعلي عدد الفحوصات التي تجريها شعبة علم الخلية الإكلنيكي التابعة للمختبر الوطني للصحة.

Last Update: 2016-12-02
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Drkhateeb


routine screening programmes for detection of breast cancer have been discontinued and preventive care such as cytological tests, papanicolaou and mammographies have been significantly reduced.


وقد تم إيقاف الفحص الروتيني لكشف سرطان الثدي، أما العناية الوقائية (مثل الفحص الخلوي ولطاخة بابانيكولاو وتصوير الثدي) فقد قُللت بقدر كبير.

Last Update: 2016-12-01
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Drkhateeb


cytological testing as part of a gynaecological examination once every three years for women aged 25-65 following a one-time negative test, and


:: اختبار الخلايا كجزء من فحص أمراض النساء مرة كل ثلاث سنوات بالنسبة للمرأة التي يتراوح سنها بين 25 و 65 سنة عقب اختبار سالب لمرة واحدة

Last Update: 2016-12-02
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb


screening means organized, continuous and evaluated efforts to timely detecting malignant cervical cancer by means of preventive cytological examinations in the population of women who do not feel any direct manifestations of the presence of cancer and do not visit gynecologist regularly or at all.


() إجراء الاختبارات يعني الجهود المنظمة والمستمرة والمقيمة لاكتشاف السرطان الخبيث في عنق الرحم في حينه عن طريق إجراء فحوص وقائية للخلايا للنساء اللاتي لا يشعرن بأية مظاهر لوجود سرطان ولا يزرن أطباء لأمراض النساء دوريا أو لا يزرنهم مطلقا.

Last Update: 2013-02-19
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


routine screening programmes for detection of breast cancer have been discontinued, and preventive care (such as cytological tests, papanicolaou and mammographies) has been significantly reduced.


وقد تم إيقاف الفحص الروتيني لكشف سرطان الثدي، أما العناية الوقائية )مثل الفحص الخلوي ولطاخة بابانيكو ﻻو وتصوير الثدي( فتم تقليلها بقدر هام.

Last Update: 2016-12-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb


coverage in 2007 was 11.6 per cent (312,374 women), but this rate indicates the number of pap samples, not the number of women who received the cytological results.


وعلاوة على ذلك فإن التغطية في عام 2007 وصلت إلى 11.6 في المائة (374 312 امرأة)، وهذا الرقم يتعلق بعدد عينات اللطاخة المأخوذة، وليس بعدد النساء اللاتي حصلن على نتائج فحص الخلايا.

Last Update: 2016-12-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb


major biopsy: excision histopath no _ hp 3212/15 nature of specimen - a) lateral left breast lesion. b) periareolar left breast lesion. clinical details - lateral breast lesion tru-cut biopsy. periareolar lesion pain and palpable mass at left breast only since 1 month. ultrasound/mamography showed 2 palpable masses, 1 lateral and second periareolar bi-rads v. suspected breast mass. gross observation - received 2 containers : a) container labelled (lateral lesion) contains 4 grey white tissue cores ms 0.4-1.5x0.l cm. all tissue processed. b) container laballed (periareolar lesion) contains 4-5 grey white tissue cores ms 0.5-2x0.1cm. all tissue processed. microscopic findings i a) serial sections demonstrate four needle cores from the breast two of them almost completely iniilltrated by neoplastic cells with obvious cytological features of malignancy arranged in cords and linear files some indian file pattern with intervening demoplastic collagenous stroma. the constituent cells exhibit pleomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular nuclear chromation and many intracellular lumina. elsewhere most of the lobular units in other cores reveal lobular carcinoma in situ (lcis) as well as transition from lcis to invasive in one fragment. no evidence of dcis or lymphovascular invasion seen. no micro calcitications noted. b) sections consits of breast parenchyma formed of normal lobular units and surrounding iibrofatty tissue. no evidence of neoplasia seen. impression l a) left lateral breast lesion, core needle biopsy - invasive lobular carcinoma, pleomorphic variant grade 2 (elston scheme) with multiple foci of lcis. * no lymphovascular invasion present. * no microcalcitications seen. b) left periareolar lesion, core needle biopsy - benign breast tissue. negative for neoplasia. recommendation - utilization of immunostains e.cadherin and p63 will be more reassuring in the tumor detected in (a).


مجانية على الانترنت القاموس الطبي engilsh إلى العربية

Last Update: 2015-11-02
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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