Results for blepharochalasis translation from English to French

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Last Update: 2014-12-09
Usage Frequency: 43

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blepharochalasis spectacles


lunettes de la blépharochalasis

Last Update: 2014-11-14
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE


blepharochalasis (disorder)



Last Update: 2014-12-09
Usage Frequency: 6

Reference: IATE
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bilateral blepharochalasis fuchs


blépharochalasis bilatérale de fuchs

Last Update: 2014-11-14
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: IATE


==h00–h59 – diseases of the eye and adnexa ===== (h00–h06) disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit ===* () hordeolum and chalazion** () hordeolum and other deep inflammation of eyelid** () chalazion* () other inflammation of eyelid** () blepharitis** () noninfectious dermatoses of eyelid* () other disorders of eyelid** () entropion and trichiasis of eyelid** () ectropion of eyelid** () lagophthalmos** () blepharochalasis** () ptosis of eyelid** () other disorders affecting eyelid function*** ankyloblepharon*** blepharophimosis*** lid retraction** () xanthelasma of eyelid** () other degenerative disorders of eyelid and periocular area* () disorders of eyelid in diseases classified elsewhere* () disorders of lacrimal system** () dacryoadenitis** () other disorders of lacrimal gland** () epiphora** () acute and unspecified inflammation of lacrimal passages*** acute, subacute or unspecified dacryocystitis** () chronic inflammation of lacrimal passages*** chronic dacryocystitis** () stenosis and insufficiency of lacrimal passages** () other changes in lacrimal passages* () disorders of orbit** () exophthalmic conditions** () enophthalmos* () disorders of lacrimal system and orbit in diseases classified elsewhere=== (h10–h13) disorders of conjunctiva ===* () conjunctivitis* () other disorders of conjunctiva** () pterygium** () conjunctival degenerations and deposits** () conjunctival scars*** symblepharon** () conjunctival haemorrhage*** subconjunctival haemorrhage** () other conjunctival vascular disorders and cysts** () other specified disorders of conjunctiva*** pseudopterygium** () disorder of conjunctiva, unspecified* () disorders of conjunctiva in diseases classified elsewhere=== (h15–h19) disorders of sclera and cornea ===* () disorders of sclera** () scleritis** () episcleritis* () keratitis** () corneal ulcer** () other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis*** photokeratitis*** snow blindness** () keratoconjunctivitis** () interstitial and deep keratitis** () corneal neovascularization* () corneal scars and opacities* () other disorders of cornea** () corneal pigmentations and deposits*** haematocornea*** kayser-fleischer ring*** krukenberg's spindle*** staehli's line** () bullous keratopathy** () other corneal oedema** () changes in corneal membranes** () corneal degeneration*** arcus senilis*** band keratopathy** () corneal dystrophies*** fuchs' dystrophy** () keratoconus** () other corneal deformities** () other specified disorders of cornea** () disorder of cornea, unspecified* () disorders of sclera and cornea in diseases classified elsewhere** () scleritis and episcleritis in diseases classified elsewhere** () herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis** () keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases** () keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases classified elsewhere*** keratoconjunctivitis sicca** () other disorders of sclera and cornea in diseases classified elsewhere=== (h20–h22) disorders of iris and ciliary body ===* () iridocyclitis** () acute and subacute iridocyclitis*** anterior uveitis*** cyclitis*** iritis** () chronic iridocyclitis** () lens-induced iridocyclitis** () other iridocyclitis** () iridocyclitis, unspecified* () other disorders of iris and ciliary body** () hyphaema** () other vascular disorders of iris and ciliary body*** neovascularization of iris or ciliary body*** rubeosis of iris** () degeneration of iris and ciliary body*** heterochromia iridis** () cyst of iris, ciliary body and anterior chamber** () pupillary membranes** () other adhesions and disruptions of iris and ciliary body*** goniosynechiae*** iridodialysis*** synechiae (iris)** () other specified disorders of iris and ciliary body** () disorder of iris and ciliary body, unspecified* () disorders of iris and ciliary body in diseases classified elsewhere=== (h25–h28) disorders of lens ===* () senile cataract* () other cataract* () other disorders of lens** () aphakia** () dislocation of lens* () cataract and other disorders of lens in diseases classified elsewhere=== (h30–h36) disorders of choroid and retina ===* () chorioretinal inflammation** () focal chorioretinal inflammation** () disseminated chorioretinal inflammation** () posterior cyclitis** () other chorioretinal inflammations** () chorioretinal inflammation, unspecified*** chorioretinitis nos*** choroiditis nos*** fuchs spot nos*** retinitis nos*** retinochoroiditis nos* () other disorders of choroid** () chorioretinal scars** () choroidal degeneration** () hereditary choroidal dystrophy*** choroideremia** () choroidal haemorrhage and rupture** () choroidal detachment** () other specified disorders of choroid** () disorder of choroid, unspecified* () chorioretinal disorders in diseases classified elsewhere* () retinal detachments and breaks** () retinoschisis and retinal cysts* () retinal vascular occlusions** () transient retinal artery occlusion** () central retinal artery occlusion** () other retinal artery occlusions*** hollenhorst's plaque** () other retinal vascular occlusions*** central retinal vein occlusion** () retinal vascular occlusion, unspecified* () other retinal disorders** () background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes*** hypertensive retinopathy** () retinopathy of prematurity** () degeneration of macula and posterior pole*** macular degeneration** () hereditary retinal dystrophy*** retinitis pigmentosa** () retinal haemorrhage** () separation of retinal layers*** central serous chorioretinopathy** () other specified retinal disorders* () retinal disorders in diseases classified elsewhere=== (h40–h42) glaucoma ===* () glaucoma** () glaucoma suspect*** ocular hypertension** () primary open-angle glaucoma** () primary angle-closure glaucoma** () glaucoma secondary to eye trauma** () glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation** () glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders** () glaucoma secondary to drugs* () glaucoma in diseases classified elsewhere=== (h43–h45) disorders of vitreous body and globe ===* () disorders of vitreous body** () vitreous prolapse** () vitreous haemorrhage** () crystalline deposits in vitreous body** () other vitreous opacities** () other disorders of vitreous body** () disorder of vitreous body, unspecified*** floater* () disorders of globe** () purulent endophthalmitis*** panophthalmitis*** vitreous absces** () other endophthalmitis*** sympathetic uveitis** () degenerative myopia** () other degenerative disorders of globe*** chalcosis*** siderosis of eye** () hypotony of eye** () degenerated conditions of globe*** absolute glaucoma*** atrophy of globe*** phthisis bulbi** () retained (old) intraocular foreign body, magnetic** () retained (old) intraocular foreign body, nonmagnetic** () other disorders of globe*** haemophthalmos*** luxation of globe** () disorder of globe, unspecified* () disorders of vitreous body and globe in diseases classified elsewhere=== (h46–h48) disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways ===* () optic neuritis** optic*** neuropathy, except ischaemic*** papillitis** retrobulbar neuritis nos** excludes:*** ischaemic optic neuropathy ()*** neuromyelitis optica ()* () other disorders of optic (2nd) nerve and visual pathways** () disorders of optic nerve, not elsewhere classified*** compression of optic nerve*** haemorrhage in optic nerve sheath*** ischaemic optic neuropathy** () papilloedema, unspecified** () optic atrophy*** temporal pallor of optic disc** () other disorders of optic disc*** drusen of optic disc*** pseudopapilloedema** () disorders of optic chiasm** () disorders of other visual pathways*** disorders of optic tracts, geniculate nuclei and optic radiations** () disorders of visual cortex** () disorders of visual pathways, unspecified* () disorders of optic (2nd) nerve and visual pathways in diseases classified elsewhere=== (h49–h52) disorders of ocular muscles, binocular movement, accommodation and refraction ===* () paralytic strabismus** () third (oculomotor) nerve palsy** () fourth (trochlear) nerve palsy*** congenital fourth nerve palsy** () sixth (abducent) nerve palsy** () total (external) ophthalmoplegia** () progressive external ophthalmoplegia** () other paralytic strabismus*** external ophthalmoplegia nos*** kearns-sayre syndrome** () paralytic strabismus, unspecified* () other strabismus** () convergent concomitant strabismus*** esotropia (alternating)(monocular), except intermittent** () divergent concomitant strabismus*** exotropia (alternating)(monocular), except intermittent** () vertical strabismus*** hypertropia*** hypotropia** () intermittent heterotropia** () other and unspecified heterotropia*** concomitant strabismus nos*** cyclotropia*** microtropia*** monofixation syndrome** () heterophoria*** alternating hyperphoria*** esophoria*** exophoria** () mechanical strabismus*** brown's sheath syndrome*** strabismus due to adhesions*** traumatic limitation of duction of eye muscle** () other specified strabismus*** duane syndrome** () strabismus, unspecified* () other disorders of binocular movement** () palsy of conjugate gaze** () convergence insufficiency and excess** () internuclear ophthalmoplegia** () other specified disorders of binocular movement** () disorder of binocular movement, unspecified* () disorders of refraction and accommodation** () hypermetropia** () myopia** () astigmatism** () anisometropia and aniseikonia** () presbyopia** () disorders of accommodation** () other disorders of refraction** () disorder of refraction, unspecified=== (h53–h54) visual disturbances and blindness ===* () visual disturbances** () amblyopia ex anopsia*** amblyopia** () subjective visual disturbances*** asthenopia*** hemeralopia*** metamorphopsia*** photophobia*** scintillating scotoma** () diplopia** () other disorders of binocular vision** () visual field defects*** scotoma*** binasal hemianopsia*** bitemporal hemianopsia** () colour vision deficiencies*** achromatopsia** () night blindness* () blindness and low vision=== (h55–h59) other disorders of eye and adnexa ===* () nystagmus and other irregular eye movements* () other disorders of eye and adnexa** () anomalies of pupillary function*** miosis*** mydriasis** () ocular pain** () disorder of eye and adnexa, unspecified*** red eye* () other disorders of eye and adnexa in diseases classified elsewhere** () anomalies of pupillary function in diseases classified elsewhere*** argyll robertson phenomenon or pupil, syphilitic* () postprocedural disorders of eye and adnexa, not elsewhere classified==excludes==* certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (p00-p96)* complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (o00-o9a)* congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (q00-q99)* diabetes mellitus related eye conditions (e09.3-, e10.3-, e11.3-, e13.3-)* endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases (e00-e88)* injury (trauma) of eye and orbit (s05-)* injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (s00-t88)* neoplasms (c00-d49)* symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, nec (r00-r94)* syphilis related eye disorders (a50.01, a50.3-, a51.43, a52.71)==see also==* list of icd-10 codes* international statistical classification of diseases and related health problems==references==


** (h04.4) inflammation chronique des voies lacrymales*** dacryocystite chronique** (h04.5) sténose et insuffisance des voies lacrymales** (h04.6) autres troubles des voies lacrymales* (h05) affections de l'orbite** (h05.2) conditions exophtalmiques** (h05.4) enophtalmie* (h06) affections de l'appareil lacrymal et de l'orbite au cours de maladies classées ailleurs=== (h10-h13) affections de la conjonctive ===* (h10) conjonctivite* (h11) autres affections de la conjonctive** (h11.0) ptérygion** (h11.1) dégénérations de et dépôts** (h11.2) cicatrices de la paupière*** symblépharon** (h11.3) hémorragie conjonctiviale*** hémorragie sous conjonctivale** (h11.4) autres affections vasculaires conjonctiviales et kystes** (h11.8) autres affections spécifiées de la conjonctive*** pseudoptérygion** (h11.9) affection de la conjonctive, non spécifié* (h13) affections de la conjonctive au cours de maladies classées ailleurs=== (h15-h22) affections de la sclérotique, de la cornée, de l'iris et du corps ciliaire ===* (h15) affections de la sclérotique* (h16) kératite* (h17) cicatrices et opacités cornéennes* (h18) autres affections de la cornée* (h19) affections de la sclérotique et de la cornée au cours de maladies classées ailleurs* (h20) iridocyclite* (h21) autres affections de l'iris et du corps ciliaire* (h22) affections de l'iris et du corps ciliaire au cours de maladies classées ailleurs=== (h25-h28) affections du cristallin ===* (h25) cataracte sénile "(a l'exclusion de : glaucome capsulaire avec pseudo-exfoliation cristallinienne (h40.1))"** (h25.0) cataracte incipiente sénile*** cataracte sénile coronaire*** cataracte sénile corticale*** cataracte sénile polaire sous-capsulaire (antérieure) (postérieure)*** cataracte sénile punctiforme*** water clefts (fentes)** (h25.1) cataracte sénile nucléaire*** cataracte brunescente*** sclérose nucléaire** (h25.2) cataracte sénile, de type morgagn*** cataracte sénile hypermûre** (h25.8) autres cataractes séniles*** formes combinées de cataracte sénile** (h25.9) cataracte sénile, sans précision* (h26) autres cataractes "(a l'exclusion de : cataracte congénitale (q12.0))"** (h26.0) cataracte infantile, juvénile et présénile** (h26.1) cataracte traumatique** (h26.2) cataracte compliquée*** cataracte (au cours de) iridocyclite chronique*** cataracte (au cours de) secondaire à des affections oculaires*** opacités glaucomateuses (sous-capsulaires)** (h26.3) cataracte médicamenteuse** (h26.4) séquelles de cataracte*** anneau de soemmering*** cataracte secondaire** (h26.8) autres cataractes précisées** (h26.9) cataracte, sans précision* (h27) autres affections du cristallin "(a l'exclusion de : complications mécaniques d'une lentille intra-oculaire (t85.2), malformations congénitales du cristallin (q12.-), pseudophakie (z96.1))"** (h27.0) aphakie** (h27.1) luxation du cristallin** (h27.8) autres affections précisées du cristallin** (h27.9) affection du cristallin, sans précision* (h28) cataracte et autres affections du cristallin au cours de maladies classées ailleurs** (h28.0) cataracte diabétique (e10-e14+ avec le quatrième chiffre .3)** (h28.1) cataracte au cours d'autres maladies endocriniennes, nutritionnelles et métaboliques*** cataracte au cours de hypoparathyroïdie (e20.-+),*** cataracte au cours de malnutrition-déshydratation (e40-e46+)** (h28.2) cataracte au cours d'autres maladies classées ailleurs*** cataracte myotonique (g71.1+)** (h28.8) autres affections du cristallin au cours de maladies classées ailleurs=== (h30-h36) affections de la choroïde et de la rétine ===* (h30) choriorétinite* (h31) autres affections de la choroïde* (h32) affections choriorétiniennes au cours de maladies classées ailleurs* (h33) décollement et déchirure de la rétine* (h34) occlusions vasculaires rétiniennes* (h35) autres affections rétiniennes* (h36) affections rétiniennes au cours de maladies classées ailleurs=== (h40-h42) glaucome ===* (h40) glaucome* (h42) glaucome au cours de maladies classées ailleurs=== (h43-h45) affections du corps vitré et du globe oculaire ===* h43) affections du corps vitré* (h44) affections du globe oculaire* (h45) affections du corps vitré et du globe oculaire au cours de maladies classées ailleurs=== (h46-h48) affections du nerf et des voies optiques ===* (h46) névrite optique* (h47) autres affections du nerf (ii) et des voies optiques* (h48) affections du nerf et des voies optiques au cours de maladies classées ailleurs=== (h49-h52) affections des muscles oculaires, des mouvements binoculaires, de l'accommodation et de la réfraction ===* (h49) strabisme paralytique* (h50) autres strabismes* (h51) autres anomalies des mouvements binoculaires* (h52) vices de réfraction et troubles de l'accommodation=== (h53-h54) troubles de la vision et cécité ===* (h53) troubles de la vision* (h54) cécité et baisse de la vision=== (h55-h59) autres affections de l'œil et de ses annexes ===* (h55) nystagmus et autres anomalies des mouvements oculaires* (h57) autres affections de l'œil et de ses annexes* (h58) autres affections de l'œil et de ses annexes au cours de maladies classées ailleurs* (h59) affections de l'œil et de ses annexes après un acte à visée diagnostique et thérapeutique, non classées ailleurs

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE
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