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factors that influence customers expectation



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study the factors that influence pests and pests


mempelajari faktor yang mempengaruhi penyakit dan serangan serangga perosak

Last Update: 2020-11-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


study the factors that influence diseases and pests attack


mempelajari faktor yang mempengaruhi penyakit dan serangan serangga perosak

Last Update: 2020-11-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


and to determine the relationship of significant factors that influence the effectiveness of 5s method implementation


objektif artikel ini adalah untuk menilai permohonan sebenar 5s kaedah kilang pembuatan tekstil

Last Update: 2018-11-18
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


discuss the factors that brought about its dissolution


discuss the factors that brought about its dissolution

Last Update: 2020-06-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


tanah merah hospital becomes an excellent organisation that meets customers' expectations


hospital tanah merah menjadi sebuah organisasi yang cemerlang dan memenuhi harapan pelanggan

Last Update: 2021-12-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


there are various factors that influence depression. therefore, this inherent factor will leave an impact on people with this depressive disease and their surroundings.


terdapat pelbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi masalah kemurungan. oleh itu, faktor faktor yang wujud ini akan meninggalkan kesan kepada penghidap penyakit kemurungan ini dan persekitarannya

Last Update: 2021-11-27
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


what are the features of the malayan union. discuss the factors that brought about its dissolution


apa ciri-ciri kesatuan melayu. membataskan faktor-faktor yang menguasai tentang penyelesaiannya

Last Update: 2020-06-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


among the factors that need to be taken into account in the division of zones are as follows:


susun atur keseluruhan zon dan pembahagian kepada zon kecil hendaklah bersesuaian mengikut fungsi dan saiz organisasi (dicadangkan jumlah zon tidak terlalu banyak) bagi memudahkan penyelarasan dan pemantauan yang lebih sistematik dilaksanakan.

Last Update: 2020-11-17
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


there are many factors that lead young people nowadays to lack adoption of a healthy lifestyle in their daily activities


terdapat banyak faktor yang menyebakan anak muda zaman sekarang kurang mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat dalam aktiviti seharian mereka

Last Update: 2022-09-06
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous


in addition, another important factor is the environmental conditions that influence the mass readings of the measured substances.


selain itu, faktor yang lain ialah keadaan persekitaran yang mempengaruhi bacaan jisim bahan bahan yang diukur seperti angin yang menjadikan bacaan berubah ubah setiap kali bacaan ingin diambil

Last Update: 2022-06-18
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


characters found on sculptural design and are able to identify the factors factors that are successfully removed on sculptural design in traditional elements


karakter yang terdapat pada reka bentuk arca dan dapat mengenalpasti faktor faktor yang berjaya dikeluarkan pada reka bentuk arca dalam unsur tradisional

Last Update: 2022-02-07
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


this section discusses the study design, study samples, instruments and study processors as well as collecting and analyzing data to produce evidence that can support the study of factors that influence purchases using online purchasing applications.


bahagian ini membincangkan reka bentuk kajian, sampel kajian, instrument dan prosuder kajian juga mengumpul dan menganalisis data untuk menghasilkan bukti yang dapat menyokong kajian factor faktor yang mempengaruhi pembelian menggunakan aplikasi pembelian atas talian.

Last Update: 2022-06-29
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous


a compass gyro is a form of gyroscope that is widely used on ships using an electric rotating gyroscope wheel and a friction force. among other factors that use basic physical laws are the influence of gravity and the rotation of the earth to find the actual coordinates.


giro kompass merupakam bentuk giroskop yang digunakan secara meluas pada kapal menggunakan roda giroskop berputar eletrik dan gaya geseran. antara faktor lain yang menggunakan undang undang fizikal asas ialah pengaruh graviti dan putaran bumi untuk mencari koordinat yang sebenarnya.

Last Update: 2021-09-15
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


for me, people are less out of the house because of the mco, and closures for the tourism sector are factors that make the quality of the environment improve.


bagi saya, orang ramai kurang keluar dari rumah kerana pkp, dan penutupan bagi sektor pelancongan adalah faktor yang meyebabkan kualiti alam sekitar semakin baik

Last Update: 2021-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


in this paper, we will analyze the conventional credit risk management and mitigation techniques and their applicability in islamic banking, the credit risk management practices in islamic banks, the achieved results and factors that influence the emergence and intensity of credit risk in islamic banking.


dalam makalah ini, kami akan menganalisis teknik pengurusan dan pengurangan risiko kredit konvensional dan penggunaannya dalam perbankan islam, amalan pengurusan risiko kredit dalam bank islam, keputusan yang dicapai dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemunculan dan intensiti risiko kredit dalam perbankan islam.

Last Update: 2022-04-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the convenience of online shopping has driven more people to buy their favorite products online than ever before. online shopping has transformed the world into a global marketplace and being able to find out how a person’s purchasing intentions are as well as the factors that influence their buying behavior.


kemudahan membeli belah dalam talian telah mendorong lebih ramai orang membeli produk kegemaran mereka dalam talian berbanding dengan sebelum ini. beli belah dalam talian telah mengubah dunia menjadi pasaran global dan dapat mengetahui cara niat pembelian seseorang itu serta faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkah laku pembelian mereka.

Last Update: 2021-11-26
Usage Frequency: 4

Reference: Anonymous


weather is one of the few factors that make maritime work and recreation risky and dangerous but predicting the weather can help prevent accidents that lead to lost shipments and cargo, injuries, and even death.


cuaca ialah salah satu daripada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan kerja dan rekreasi maritim berisiko dan berbahaya tetapi meramalkan cuaca boleh membantu mengelakkan kemalangan yang membawa kepada kehilangan penghantaran dan kargo, kecederaan, dan juga kematian.

Last Update: 2021-12-05
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the finding of this research shows that the factors of deceptive advertising on digital marketing were have strong relationship with consumer buying behavior and it is also shows that reasonable consumer were significance factor that influence consumer buying behavior. in conclusion, from this research we can know that consumer in malaysia will easily attracted towards deceptive advertising that has good looking ambassador as shown on digital marketing and this technique usually used in promoting a products as well.


Last Update: 2020-06-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


in this research, researchers will use the quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire to identify the background of paramedics who suffer from stress, analyze the factors that cause stress, the effect of work stress on paramedics in dealing with pandemic coid 19.


dalam penyelidikan ini, penyelidik akan menggunakan kaedah kauntitaitf iaitu berbentuk soal selidik bagi mengenal pasti latar belakang paramedik yang mengalami tekanan, menganalisis faktor faktor penyebab berlakunya tekanan, kesan tekanan kerja terhadap paramedic dalam menangani wabak pandemik coid 19.

Last Update: 2022-01-31
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


there are several factors that enable a program to be well evaluated by the assessor. the evaluation given by the assessor is matched by a number of criteria that meet the standards for good evaluation. before the assessor makes an assessment of the program, the organization or committee should scrutinize and be prepared with answers to the following questions


ada beberapa faktor yang membolehkan sesebuah program dapat dinilai dengan baik oleh penilai. penilaian yang diberikan oleh penilai berpadakan oleh beberapa kriteria yang menepati standard untuk mendapat penilaian yang baik. sebelum penilai membuat penilaian terhadap program , organisasi atau jawatankuasa perlu meneliti serta bersedia dengan jawapan terhadap beberapa soalan berikut

Last Update: 2021-12-06
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous

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