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300 pixels per inch (ppi), uncompressed, for scanning,


300 pixel kull pulzier (ppi), mhux kompressat, għall-iskanjar,

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 2


each seating position shall have a free height of not less than 900 mm measured from the highest point of the uncompressed seat cushion.


kull pożizzjoni bil-qiegħda għandha jkollha għoli ħieles ta' mhux anqas minn 900 imkejjla mill-għola punt tal-kuxxin ta' sedil mhux ikkompressat.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


all measurements shall be taken, with the seat cushion and squab uncompressed, in a vertical plane passing through the centre line of the individual seating place.


iddimensjonijiet kollha għandhom jitkejlu, bil-kuxxin u t-tbaċċiċ tal-kuxxin tas-sedil mhux mgħaffġa, fi pjan vertikali li jgħaddi minn linja ċentrali ta' post individwali ta' bil-qiegħda.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


the height of the uncompressed seat cushion relative to the floor shall be such that the distance from the floor to a horizontal plane tangent to the front upper surface of the seat cushion is between 400 mm and 500 mm.


il-għoli tal-kuxxin tas-sedil mhux ikkompressat b'relattività ma l-art għandu jkun tali li d-distanza mill-art lejn pjan orizzontali tanġenzjali lejn il-quddiem tal-wiċċ ta' fuq tal-kuxxin tas-sedil ikun bejn 400 mm u 500 mm:

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


each priority seating position shall have a free height of not less than 1300 mm for vehicles of class i and a and 900 mm for vehicles of class ii, measured from the highest point of the uncompressed seat cushion.


kull pożizzoni bil-qiegħda tal-prijorità għandha jkollha għoli ħieles ta' mhux anqas minn 1300 mm għal vetturi tal-klassi i u a u 900 mm għal vetturi tal-klassi ii, imkejjel mill-għola punt fuq il-kuxxin tas-sedil mhux ikkompressat.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


the nearest edge of the area 300 mm in depth available for the feet of the seated passenger is advanced no more than 200 mm from the edge of the uncompressed seat cushion and to not more than 600 mm in front of the squab of the seat, these measurements being made in the median vertical plane of the seating position


ix-xifer l-eqreb lejn iż-żona 300 mm fil-fond disponibbli għas-saqajn ta' passiġġier bil-qiegħda jkun avvanzat mhux aktar minn 200 mm mit-tarf ta' kuxxin tas-sedil mhux ikkompressat u mhux aktar minn 600 mm quddiem it-tbaċċiċ tas-sedil, dan il-kejl isir bil-pjan medjan vertikali tal-pożizzjoni meta bil-qiegħda

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


the free passage clearance for this figure shall not include any space extending to 300 mm in front of any uncompressed seat cushion of a forward or rearward facing seat or 225 mm in the case of seats fitted at wheel arches, and to the height of the top of the seat cushion.


l-ispazju ħieles tal-passaġġ għal din il-figura m'għandux jinkludi xi spazju li jestendi 300 mm l quddiem ta' xi kuxxin ta' sedil li ma jkunx ikkompressat, u sa l-għoli tal-quċċata tal-kuxxin tas-sedil.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


the height of the uncompressed seat cushion relative to the floor shall be such that the distance from the floor to a horizontal plane tangential to the front upper surface of the seat cushion is between 400 and 500 mm: this height may however be reduced to not less than 350 mm at the wheel arches and at the engine compartment.


il-għoli tal-kuxxin tas-sedil mhux ikkompressat b'relattività ma l-art għandu jkun tali li d-distanza mill-art lejn pjan orizzontali tanġenzjali lejn il-quddiem tal-wiċċ ta' fuq tal-kuxxin tas-sedil ikun bejn 400 u 500 mm: dan l-għoli jista b'dana kollu jkun imnaqqas għal mhux anqas minn 350 mm fil-ħnejjiet tar-roti u fil-kompartiment tal-magna.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


the minimum width of the available space for each seating position, dimension g (annex iii, figure 9) measured from a vertical plane passing through the centre of that seating position at heights between 270 and 650 mm above the uncompressed seat cushion shall be not less than:


il-wisa' minimu tal-ispazju disponibbli għal kull pożizzjoni bil-qiegħda, id-dimensjoni g (l-anness iii, il-figura 9) imkejla mill-pjan vertikali li jgħaddi miċ-ċentru ta' dik il-pożizzjoni bil-qiegħda f'għoli ta' bejn 270 u 650 mm il-fuq minn kuxxin ta' sedin mhux ikkompressat għandu jkun mhux anqas minn:

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2

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