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Last Update: 2015-01-09
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ii-17 (sous pou rvo i, a f fa ir e c -1 1 1 /9 9 p ); d u 25 m a rs 1 99 9 , forges de clabecq/commission, t-37 /97 , n on en core pub lié au r ecue il (sous pourv oi, affaire c-179 /99 p ); d u 1 2 m a i 1 9 9 9, m o c c ia i rm e e.a./commission, t-164/96 à t-167/96, t-122/97 et t-130/97, non e n c o r e p u b l ié a u r e cu e i l ( s o u s p o u r v o i, a f f ai r e s c - 2 8 0 / 9 9 p , c -2 8 1 / 9 9 p e t c - 2 8 2 / 9 9 p ); du 7 juill et 1999, wirtschaftsvereinigung stahl/commission, t-106/96, non encore publié au recueil; du 7 juillet 1999, british steel/commission, t-89/96, non encore publié au recueil; du 9 s e pt em b r e 1 9 9 9, rjb mining/commission, t-110/98, non enco re pu blié au recu eil (sous pourvoi, affaire c-427/99 p), et du 16 décembre 1 9 9 9, acciaierie di bolzano/commission, t -158 /96 , n on en core pub lié au r ecue il.


judg men ts in joined cases t-129/95, t-2/96 and t-97/96 neue maxhütte stahlwerke and lech-stahlwerke v commission [1999] e c r i i - 1 7 (u n d e r appeal, case c-111/99 p); of 25 march 1999 in case t-37/97 forges de clabecq v commission, not yet r e po r te d in t he e c r (under app eal, ca se c-179/99 p); of 12 may 1999 in joined cases t-164/96 to t-167/96, t-122/97 and t-130/97 mo ccia irme and o thers v commission, not yet reported in the ecr (under appeal, cases c-280/99 p, c-281/99 p and c-282/99 p); of 7 july 1999 in case t-106/96 wirtschaftsvereinigung stahl v commission, not yet reported in the ecr; of 7 july 1999 in case t-89/96 british steel v commission, not yet reported in the ecr; of 9 september 1999 in case t-110/98 rjb mining v commission, not y et rep orted in the e cr (und er ap peal, case c -427/99 p); and o f 16 dece mber 19 99 in case t-158/96 acciaierie di bolzano v commission, not yet reported in the ecr.

Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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