Results for tanpa ku sadari, aku duduk di ... translation from Indonesian to English

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tanpa ku sadari, aku duduk di samping sopirnya



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bolehkah saya duduk di samping mu


can i sit next to you

Last Update: 2021-08-10
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


saat aku duduk di kelas satu sekolah dasar


aku duduk di bangku paling depan

Last Update: 2020-01-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


waktu itu aku pergi berlibur dengan saudara perempuan, om dan kakak sepupu ku. kita pergi berlibur ke majalengka, selama di perjalanan ke majalengka sangan menyenangkan kita berangkat malam hari dan aku duduk di belakang bersama saudara perempuan ku, selama di perjalanan kita bercerita dan makan tidak lama dari itu kita berdua tertidur. ternyata sudah sampai di majalengka dan kami di bangunkan oleh om kami untuk turun dan menuju rumah untuk tidur, kami menginap di rumah saudara kami. malam itu k


at that time i went on vacation with my sister, uncle and my cousin's brother. we go on vacation to majalengka, while on the way to majalengka it is very pleasant we leave at night and i sit in the back with my sister, during the trip we tell stories and eat not long after that we both fall asleep. it turned out that we had arrived at majalengka and we were awakened by our uncle to go down and go to the house to sleep, we stayed at our brother's house. that night we fell asleep soundly tomorrow morning we plan to go up to the foot of mount ceremei. we went using a gypsy car while on our way to see the view from the top of this mountain, many farmers were planting plants, even when we got to the top we were caught in very heavy rain, it was fun. when we wanted to get out of the mountain we had to pass through the wilderness on the mountain, because after the rain our car rolled because it was slippery, i was afraid, but my cousin said "don't panic this often happens, don't be afraid" i tried to be normal. alone and have no fear. we also came out of the wilderness, during the trip home we met a roadside stall and decided to eat first for dinner, after we had dinner we continued our journey home. when i got home i was told to take a shower using warm water because it was late, after taking a shower my sister and i slept. tomorrow is the day of our return to jakarta, huh i feel like lingering here but the school day is waiting for us. we also said goodbye to our brothers in majalengka to go home. during this trip we sang with great joy, it was very pleasant, it was not an emotion that quickly passed when we arrived in jakarta, it was already evening. i also brought all my stuff to go home, i said goodbye to my sister, my uncle, and my cousin. it's a very nice holiday this year.

Last Update: 2021-02-10
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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8 tahun yg lalu,saat aku berusia 8 tahun aku duduk di kelas 2 sd,aku dan teman temanku yaitu nana,fera,dan halila bermain di pinggir parit yg besar.temanku yg bernama nana dan fera adalah kakak dan adik,mereka membuat sampan dari gabungan beberapa batang pisang yg hanya dapat dinaiki 2orang ,pada sore itu kami mencoba untuk naik bertiga di sampan kecil buatan temanku itu.dan alhasil sampan itu lama kelamaan tidak bisa bergerak dan pada akhirnya kami pun tenggelam di tengah parit yg besar dan lum


8 years ago,when i was 8 years old i was in the second grade of elementary school,me and my friends nana, fera,and halila played on the edge of a big ditch. my friends named nana and fera were brothers and sisters,they made a canoe from a combination of several banana sticks that can only be boarded by 2 people, that afternoon we tried to ride three in a small canoe made by my friend. and as a result the canoe was eventually unable to move and in the end we drowned in the middle of a large and lum ditch

Last Update: 2023-01-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


gambar tersebut adalah suasana di ruangan perpustakaan modern. hal yang pertama ada seorang laki laki mengenakan jeans biru dan jacket hitam sedang duduk di atas sofa yang berwarna hijau. dan di depan nya terdapat macbook. kemudian di samping kanannya ada seorang wanita sedang duduk menggunakan celana hitam, outer abu abu dan syal berwarna putih. di depan mereka terdapat dua meja bundar berwarna coklat tua. di belakang pria itu terdapat lampu hias berwarna putih. kemudian di sisi sebelah kanan t


then on the right side there is a workspace. there was a woman wearing a black shirt and white shoes sitting doing her work. and finally, on the left side there are several bookshelves neatly lined up complete with books. very calm and comfortable atmosphere to do work casually. the library room is indeed very comfortable to avoid noise and do work casually.

Last Update: 2023-04-03
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


aku memandang mawar merah yang masih ada di genggaman tanganku. dia bergerak seiring tanganku yang pula bergetar. aku gugup. aku khawatir apa yang sudah kupersiapkan matang matang akan hancur berantakan hanya karena aku gugup. aku duduk di kursi di dalam cafe yang sering aku kunjungi bersamanya. entahlah aku terlalu semangat atau terlalu gugup, aku datang satu jam lebih awal dari apa yang kami janjikan. kembali kupandang mawar merah yang kata orang adalah lambang cinta. terlebih berwarna merah


i looked at the red rose that was still in my hand. he moved as my hands were also shaking. i'm nervous. i was worried that what i had prepared thoroughly would fall apart just because i was nervous. i sat on a chair in the cafe i frequented with him. whether i was too excited or too nervous, i arrived an hour earlier than we promised. again i looked at the red rose which people say is a symbol of love. especially red

Last Update: 2022-01-12
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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