Results for decameron translation from Italian to English

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the decameron

Last Update: 2011-05-26
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Wikipedia


intraprende nel 2000 la composizione di amori incrociati, dal decameron nella versione di a. busi, commissione dell’orchestra della rai.


in 2000, on a commission from the rai orchestra, he composedamori incrociati,after the decameronin a version by aldo busi.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


la commedia divine del dante e decameron del boccaccio hanno aperto la strada a che il genere durante il quattordicesimo secolo a.d. approximately dieci mila copyists o scrivani è stato impiegato in europa per servire questi vari mercati.


dante’s divine comedy and boccaccio’s decameron pioneered that genre during the 14th century a.d. approximately ten thousand copyists or scribes were employed in europe to serve these various markets.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


a differenza che altrove in toscana si teneva molto alle buone maniere; l'unica deroga era il vino che, nei periodi di epidemie che in quel secolo infuriavano, era concesso bere a garganella come antidoto e narcotico; anche le belle fanciulle e i distinti giovani che raccontano le novelle del decamerone, tra le confetture e i pasticcini delle loro aristocratiche merende, qualche bicchiere di vino se lo concedono spesso.


good manners where considered very important in tuscany; the only exception was the wine that, in the periods of epidemics that in those centuries prevailed, was allowed to be poured down one's throat as an antidote and narcotic; also the beautiful young women and distinguished young men who told the stories of decamerone, between the sugared almonds and small cakes of their artistocratic afternoon snacks, some glasses of wine where allowed often.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia

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