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di penghujung rindu


at the end of longing

Last Update: 2020-09-29
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


sebahagian turutan aksara berada di penghujung input


partial character sequence at end of input

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


editor akan secara automatik menghilangkan ruang tambahan di penghujung baris teks semasa memuat/ menyimpan fail.


the editor will automatically eliminate extra spaces at the ends of lines of text while loading/ saving the file. this change is only visible after a save if you reload the file.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


operasi yang diminta memerlukan penghapusan fail asal, kebanyakannya di penghujung operasi alih fail. fail asal% 1 tidak dapat dihapuskan.


the requested operation required the deleting of the original file, most likely at the end of a file move operation. the original file %1 could not be deleted.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ini menegaskan ungkapan biasa (bahagian ini sebenarnya tidak padan dengan mana- mana aksara). anda hanya boleh guna ini di penghujung ungkapan biasa.


this asserts a regular expression (this part does not actually match any characters). you can only use this at the end of a regular expression.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


cuma pada zaman rom, penghujung utara dan barat dunia bukan lagi kawasan yang asing. pliny the elder yang pernah mengunjungi petempatan suku chauci di barat laut jerman menyifatkan mereka sebagai bangsa gasar yang mendiami kawasan berhutan tebal dan kerap digenangi air banjir. dakwaan sebegini kemudian diambil bagi menggambarkan suasana di penghujung utara dunia.


only in roman times, the northern and western ends of the world were no longer unfamiliar areas. pliny the elder who had visited the chauci settlement in northwest germany described them as a barbarian who inhabited a thick wooded area and was often flooded. such allegations were then taken to describe the atmosphere at the northern end of the world.

Last Update: 2022-05-12
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


anda boleh mempunyai dua paparan - malah lebih lagi - bagi dokumen yang sama dalam kate. mengedit dalam mana- mana satu akan mencerminkan kedua- duanya. jadi, jika anda mengskrol atas dan bawah untuk mencari teks di penghujung satu dokumen, hanya tekan ctrl+shift+t untuk memisahkan secara mendatar.


you can have two views - or even more - of the same document in kate. editing in either will be reflected in both. so if you find yourself scrolling up and down to look at text at the other end of a document, just press ctrl+shift+t to split horizontally.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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