Results for memastikan aspek keselamatan diambi... translation from Malay to English

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memastikan aspek keselamatan diambil kira



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diambil kira


stranded due to the flood phenomenon

Last Update: 2021-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


pada tarikh pemeriksaan, kami melihat bahawa sebuah bangsal telah dibina di kawasan tersebut. walau bagaimanapun, bangunan ini tidak diambil kira dalam laporan ini.


as at the date of inspection we are notice that a cattle was built in the are of the subject property. however the building is not taken into consideration in this report.

Last Update: 2020-10-05
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


pemilik berdaftar akan meneliti keutamaannya untuk menentukan sama ada ia mengambil risiko yang sesuai untuk mencapai objektifnya. ia juga akan mengkaji sama ada ia mengambil jenis risiko yang betul dan sama ada kos risiko ini diambil kira secara kewangan.


the registered owners will examine its priorities to determine whether it is taking on the appropriate amount of risk to achieve its objectives. it'll also examine whether it is taking the right types of risks and whether the costs of these risks are being accounted for financially.

Last Update: 2021-11-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


walaupun perubahan ini adalah teknikal, ia mempunyai kesan yang signifikan terhadap berat syarikat dalam indeks, kerana banyak syarikat di jepun mempunyai stok yang signifikan dari rakan perniagaan mereka dalam persekutuan perniagaan yang kompleks, dan saham tersebut tidak lagi diambil kira ketika menghitung berat badan syarikat dalam indeks tersebut


although these changes are technical, they have a significant impact on the weight of the companies in the index, as many companies in japan have significant stocks of their business partners in complex business federations, and those stocks are no longer taken into account when calculating the weight of the companies in the index.

Last Update: 2022-05-22
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


langkah lain yang perlu dilakukan ialah pihak berkuasa hendaklah mengadakan kempen kesedaran tentang jenayah kepada masyarakat. perkara itu penting kerana anggota masyarakat akan mendapat maklumat tentang cara untuk menghindarkan diri daripada jenayah. dalam kempen tersebut, anggota masyarakat diberikan kesedaran tentang aspek keselamatan di tempat awam dan pihak polis boleh menunjukkan cara untuk menghadapi penjenayah melalui demonstrasi atau iklan di media massa. dengan cara itu, kesedaran ten


another step to be taken is that the authorities should conduct awareness campaigns on crime to the community. this is important because members of the community will be informed on how to avoid crime. during the campaign, members of the public are given awareness on the safety aspects in public places and the police can show how to deal with criminals through demonstrations or advertisements in the mass media. that way, mindfulness ten

Last Update: 2021-11-27
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


c/untung dan rugi bakeri diagihkan di kalangan pemegang saham mengikut kepada peratusan ekuiti modal mereka. jika salah seorang pemegang saham diisytiharkan bankrap atau mempunyai banyak liabiliti atau telah menghalang penipuan, semua yang lain pemegang saham mempunyai hak untuk memecat pemegang saham yang bersalah. sekiranya pemegang saham tidak mahu meneruskan penglibatannya dalam bakeri, modalnya akan memberi balik selepas untung dan rugi bakeri telah diambil kira.


c/the profits and losses of the bakery are distributed among the shareholders according to the percentage of their capital equity. if one of the shareholders is declared bankrupt or has multiple liabilities or has prevented fraud, all other shareholders have the right to dismiss the guilty shareholder. if the shareholder does not want to continue his involvement in the bakery, his capital will give back after the profits and losses of the bakery have been taken into account.

Last Update: 2021-12-19
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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