Results for tirtod translation from Maltese to English

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tirtod, tħossok ma tiflaħx b’mod ġenerali jew dgħajjef


shivering, generally feeling unwell or weak

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


anemija, numru baxx ta ’ ċelluli li jissejħu plejlets li jgħinu d- demm biex jagħqad, numri baxxi ta ’ ċerti tipi ta ’ ċelluli bojod tad- demm, tkabbir tal- glandoli tal- limf reazzjoni allerġika livelli għoljin ta ’ glucose disturbi ta ’ kif tħoss jew tiċċaqlaq, tregħid, aċċesjonijiet problemi tar- ritmu tal- qalb inkluż taħbit mgħaġġel ħafna (palpitazzjonijiet), sejbiet anormali tat - testijiet tal- qalb (bħall- ecgs li juru r- ritmu tal- qalb) pressjoni għolja jew baxxa infjammazzjoni tal- pankrejas infjammazzjoni tal- fwied, fil- fwied, suffejra (kulur isfar tal- ġilda jew ta ’ l- għajnejn) problemi fil- funzjoni tal- kliewi, insuffiċjenza tal- kliewi disturbi menstruwali vista mċajpra jaqa x- xagħar, ħakk 29 ulċeri fil- ħalq tirtod, tħossok ma tiflaħx b’ mod ġenerali jew dgħajjef uġigħ mifrux mal- ġisem, inkluż fil- muskoli u l- ġogi, uġigħ fid- dahar ritenzjoni ta ’ fluwidi, tibdil fil- livelli ta ’ mediċini.


anaemia, low numbers of cells called platelets that help the blood to clot, low numbers of some types of white blood cells, enlargement of lymph glands allergic reaction high blood levels of glucose disturbances in feeling or moving, tremor, fits heart rhythm problems including very fast heartbeat (palpitations), abnormal findings on heart tests (like ecgs that show heart rhythm) high or low blood pressure inflammation of the pancreas inflammation of liver, liver damage, jaundice (yellow colour of the skin or the eyes) problems with kidney function, failure of the kidneys menstrual disorder blurred vision hair loss, itching mouth ulcers 29 shivering, generally feeling unwell or weak scattered body pain, including in muscles and joints, back pain fluid retention, altered medicine levels.

Last Update: 2012-04-10
Usage Frequency: 4

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