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ventricul drept cu dubla cale de iesire



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avem o cale de iesire cu care sintem absolut de acord si care ne uneste intr-o actiune prieteneasca, armonioasa.


we have a way out on which we can absolutely agree, and upon which we can join in brotherly and harmonious action.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


gaseste calea de iesire din labirint înainte de sfârșitul anului. am testat jocul și capacitatea de a anticipa.


labyrinth is a logic game that is aimed at children aged over 14 years. find the way out of the maze before the end. i tested out the game and ability to anticipate.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


asa cum am arãtat de multe ori, nu existã nici o cale de iesire pentru ei, pentru a scãpa de înrãutãtirea situatiei lor, folosind vechile metode necinstite.


as we have pointed out many times, there is no way for them to extricate themselves from their worsening situation by using their old devious methods.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


in mod natural, singura mea cale de iesire dintr-un asemenea dezastru singura cale la care m-am putut gandi a fost sa o contactez pe oprah.


so, naturally, the only way out of the slump that i could think of was, i decided to call oprah.

Last Update: 2015-10-13
Usage Frequency: 1


raspunsul cel mai auzit este ca trebuie sa ne educam stapanii,care suntem scoala trebuie sa invatam despre cetatenie si stiinte politice.dar chiar trebuie?nu exista nici un trebuie,in ceea ce priveste aecst subiect,cel mai greu fiind faptul ca nu trebuie sa invatam stiinte politice si cetatienia la scoala.invatatorul care a incercat aceasta s-ar gasi in curand el insusi fara nici un ban in strada,fara elevi,daca nu, in boxa acuzatilor pledand pt un rechizitoriu pompos formulat pentru răscoală împotriva exploatatorilor.scolile noastre preda moralitatea feudalismului corupt de comercialism,si tine de cuceritororul militar,baronul jefuitor,si de profitor,ca modele de ilustri si de zadar sunt profeti care privesc prin aceasta,predica si invata o evanghelie mai bine:persoanele pe care ei le convertesc sunt sortiti sa moara in cativa ani,iar noile generatii sunt trase inapoi in scoli,catre moralitatea secolului 15,si gandesc liberal de unii singuri atunci cand acestia apara ideile lui henri al 7-lea,si omenos atunci cand acestora le sunt opuse idelile lui richard al 3-lea.astfel,omul educat este o pacoste mai mare decat cel needucat:intr-adevar,este ineficienta si imitarea partii edeucationale in scolile noastre(la care,cu exceptia sub constrangerii,copii nu ar fi trimisi de catre parinti deloc ,daca acestea nu actioneaza precum niste inchisori unde imaturii sunt protejati de maturi)asta ne salveaza de la a fi spulberati pe stancile doctrinelor false in loc sa ne izbim de miezul simplei exista nici o cale de iesire prin intermediul invatatorului.


the usual answer is that we must educate our masters: that is, ourselves. we must teach citizenship and political science at school. but must we? there is no must about it, the hard fact being that we must _not_ teach political science or citizenship at school. the schoolmaster who attempted it would soon find himself penniless in the streets without pupils, if not in the dock pleading to a pompously worded indictment for sedition against the exploiters. our schools teach the morality of feudalism corrupted by commercialism, and hold up the military conqueror, the robber baron, and the profiteer, as models of the illustrious and the successful. in vain do the prophets who see through this imposture preach and teach a better gospel: the individuals whom they convert are doomed to pass away in a few years; and the new generations are dragged back in the schools to the morality of the fifteenth century, and think themselves liberal when they are defending the ideas of henry vii, and gentlemanly when they are opposing to them the ideas of richard iii. thus the educated man is a greater nuisance than the uneducated one: indeed it is the inefficiency and sham of the educational side of our schools (to which, except under compulsion, children would not be sent by their parents at all if they did not act as prisons in which the immature are kept from worrying the mature) that save us from being dashed on the rocks of false doctrine instead of drifting down the midstream of mere ignorance. there is no way out through the schoolmaster.

Last Update: 2011-05-12
Usage Frequency: 1

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