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krčenje čeljustne mišice


contraction of the jaw muscle

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 4


nenormalen način hoje, krčenje čeljustne mišice.


abnormal manner of walking, contraction of the jaw muscle.

Last Update: 2012-04-11
Usage Frequency: 1


mišična bolečina, mišična napetost, mišični krč, krčenje čeljustne mišice


muscle pain, muscle tightness, muscle spasm, contraction of the jaw muscle

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


vzorce po najmanj 10 g je treba vzeti iz mišice jezika ali čeljustne mišice.


specimens of at least 10 g to be taken from the lingual muscle or the jaw muscle.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


Če ni mišice jezika ali čeljustne mišice, je treba vzeti vzorec enake velikosti iz stebra prepone na prehodu v kitasti del.


in the absence of lingual muscle or jaw muscle a specimen of the same size to be taken from a pillar of the diaphragm at the transition to the sinewy part.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


Če ni preponskih stebrov, se enak vzorec vzame iz rebrnega dela ali dela prsnice prepone, iz jezične ali čeljustne mišice ali iz trebušne muskulature.


in the absence of diaphragm pillars a specimen of the same size to be taken from the rib part or the breastbone part of the diaphragm , from the lingual muscle or the jaw muscle or the abdominal muscles.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 3


Če ni preponskih stebrov, se iz rebrnega dela ali prsničnega dela prepone, iz jezične ali čeljustne mišice ali iz trebušne muskulature vzame najmanj 20 g vzorec.


in the absence of diaphragm pillars a specimen of at least 20 g to be taken from the rib part or the breastbone part of the diaphragm or from the lingual muscle or the jaw muscle or the abdominal muscles.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 3


trihinoskopske preiskave se morajo opravljati najmanj šest minut, če so nadomestni vzorci vzeti iz rebrnega ali prsničnega dela prepone, jezične ali čeljustne mišice oziroma iz trebušne muskulature.


the trichinoscopic examination must be carried out for at least six minutes in the case of substitute specimens taken from the rib part or breastbone part of the diaphragm pillars , the lingual muscle or the jaw muscle or the abdominal muscles.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 3


Če ni niti enega preponskega stebra, se iz rebrnega dela ali prsničnega dela prepone vzameta dva vzorca v velikosti lešnika ali, kakor je ustrezno, iz jezične ali čeljustne mišice ali iz trebušne muskulature.


in the absence of both diaphragm pillars , two specimens approximately the size of a hazelnut are to be taken from the rib part or the breastbone part of the diaphragm or , as the case may be , from the lingual muscle or the jaw muscle or from the abdominal muscles.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 3


Če je pri celih trupih vzorce treba vzeti iz rebrnega dela ali dela prsnice prepone, iz jezične ali čeljustne mišice ali iz trebušne muskulature, potem se iz vsakega vzorca izreže 14 koščkov v velikosti zrna, to je skupno 28.


if , in the case of whole carcases , specimens have to be taken from the rib part or the breastbone part of the diaphragm , the lingual muscle or jaw muscle or the abdominal muscles , then 14 pieces the size of an oat-kernal are to be cut from each specimen , i.e. a total of 28.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 3


pri podganah moškega spola so po 13 tednih dajanja inhaliranega manitola v odmerkih, ki so bili več kot 9,3-krat večji od največjega odmerka, ugotovili zvišano število krožečih limfocitov in plazmacitozo čeljustne bezgavke.


in male rats after 13 weeks of inhaled mannitol dosing, elevated circulating lymphocyte numbers and mandibular lymph node plasmacytosis was observed at doses greater than 9.3 fold the maximal dose.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


redki neželeni učinki (se lahko pojavijo pri 1 do 10 bolnikov od 10. 000 zdravljenih bolnikov) • zmanjšana aktivnost žleze ščitnice. • dehidracija. • manija (motnja s simptomi prevelike aktivnosti, bežečih misli in zmanjšane potrebe po spanju), agresivnost in jeza. • slab zadah. • zvišan tlak v očesu. • menopavzalni simptomi. • krčenje čeljustne mišice. • zvišan nivi holesterola v krvi, nizka raven natrija v krvi (simptomi so slabost in slabo počutje z občutkom šibkosti mišic in zmedenostjo), sindom nezadostnenega izločanja antidiuretičnega hormona (siadh - syndrome of inadequate secretion of anti- diuretic hormone).


rare side effects (these can affect from 1 to 10 users in 10,000 patients treated) • decrease of activity of the thyroid gland. • dehydration. • mania (a disorder which symptoms are over activity, racing thoughts and decrease need for sleep). • bad breath. • increased pressure in the eye. • menopausal symptoms. • contraction of the jaw muscle. • increased level of cholesterol in the blood, low levels of sodium in the blood (the symptoms are feeling sick and unwell with weak muscles or confused), syndrome of inadequate secretion of anti-diuretic hormone (siadh).

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

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