Results for tekmovalnega translation from Slovenian to English

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doping je priznana in razširjena težava današnjega tekmovalnega športa.


doping is a recognised and widespread scourge of contemporary competitive sport.

Last Update: 2012-02-28
Usage Frequency: 2


Športna pravila običajno zadevajo organizacijo in pravilno izvedbo tekmovalnega športa.


sporting rules normally concern the organisation and proper conduct of competitive sport.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


določiti datum in naslov začetka faze posvetovanja v primeru tekmovalnega dialoga.“


specify, in the case of a competitive dialogue, the date set and the address for the start of the consultation phase.’;

Last Update: 2014-11-18
Usage Frequency: 1


Ženske elite iz predkomunističnih časov,ki so si v svojih intelektualnih ali premožnih družinah nabrale močan kulturnikapital in so si okrepile samozavest z dosežki znotraj tekmovalnega okolja


simultaneously, new groupsof womenwho were enjoying rapid intergenerational social mobility towards careers,

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


preizkusil sem ga pod budnim očesom nadzornika podjetja, profesionalnega tekmovalnega voznika avtomobilov. vozila sva se okrog kanjonov izven los angelesa, potem po pacifiški obalni hitri cesti.


i got to drive this with a chaperone from the company, a professional race car driver, and we drove around the canyons outside of los angeles and down on the pacific coast highway.

Last Update: 2015-10-13
Usage Frequency: 1


faza izbire se lahko odvija bodisi po posameznih naročilih, tudi v okviru tekmovalnega dialoga, ali pa se pripravi seznam potencialnih kandidatov po omejenem postopku iz člena 128.“


the selection phase may be repeated for each individual contract, also in the case of a competitive dialogue, or may involve drawing up a list of potential candidates under the restricted procedure referred to in article 128.’;

Last Update: 2014-11-18
Usage Frequency: 1


zdaj je treba zagotoviti tudi, da šport ne pomeni le tekmovalnega športa, ampak dejavnost, pri kateri lahko sodeluje vsak, zato je pomembno, da se šport vključi v izobraževanje.


at this juncture, it is also necessary to ensure that sport does not only mean competitive sport, but something that everyone can participate in, and that is why it is important that sport be integrated within education.

Last Update: 2012-02-28
Usage Frequency: 2


priložene specifikacije ali, v primeru tekmovalnega dialoga iz člena 125b se specifikacije nadomestijo z dokumentom, ki vsebuje opis potreb in zahtev naročnika, navedbo internetnega naslova, kjer je mogoče najti dokumentacijo;“


the attached specification or, in the case of a competitive dialogue as referred to in article 125b, a document describing the needs and requirements of the contracting authority, or the reference for the internet address at which such specification or document can be consulted.’;

Last Update: 2014-11-18
Usage Frequency: 1


postopek za oddajo javnega naročila je omejen, kadar se lahko vsi gospodarski subjekti prijavijo za sodelovanje, ponudbe pa lahko predložijo samo kandidati, ki izpolnjujejo merila izbire iz člena 135 ter jih naročnik hkrati in pisno povabi k predložitvi ponudb ali rešitev v okviru postopka tekmovalnega dialoga iz člena 125b.


calls for tenders are restricted where all economic operators may ask to take part but only candidates satisfying the selection criteria referred to in article 135 and invited simultaneously and in writing by the contracting authorities may submit a tender or a solution under the competitive dialogue procedure referred to in article 125b.

Last Update: 2014-11-18
Usage Frequency: 1


te spremembe zlasti zadevajo nove možnosti elektronskega oddajanja naročil, vključno z novim sistemom dinamičnega nakupa za pogosto uporabljene postavke ter postopkom tekmovalnega dialoga, pravila, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri naročilih, razglašenih za tajna, ter uporabo okvirnih sporazumov, ki jih bo iz praktičnih razlogov treba še vedno obravnavati kot okvirne pogodbe v okviru izvrševanja proračuna skupnosti in ki od sedaj omogočajo, da bodo stranke okvirnega sporazuma med sabo tekmovale za dodelitev posebnih naročil, in slednjič tudi krepitev socialne in okoljske razsežnosti pri vrednotenju ponudb.


those amendments concern in particular the new possibilities for electronic award procedures, including the new dynamic purchasing system for commonly used items, the competitive dialogue procedure, the rules governing contracts declared to be secret and the use of framework agreements – which for practical reasons should continue to be referred to as framework contracts for the purposes of implementing the community budget, thus making it possible for the parties to a framework agreement to be required to compete for the award of specific contracts – and the added emphasis given to social and environmental dimensions in the evaluation of tenders.

Last Update: 2014-11-18
Usage Frequency: 1

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