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Last Update: 2024-01-19
Usage Frequency: 1


yenza ubukeke lap ho ubamba khana


look here ho hold cana

Last Update: 2016-04-29
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


phakamisa izandla mese ubamba ikhanda wenze engathi awunandaba uyayazilendaba


raise your hands and shake your head and pretend you don't care

Last Update: 2020-07-10
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


yenza ubukeke lap ho ubamba khana.ubangogazi udwle wonke umuntu. uphumaphambiu ngisho ngisho nakwisithand wa sakho


Last Update: 2021-03-27
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


chofoza ebholeni kabili ngegundane ukulikhahlela. ungachofoza kabili kwesobunxele nekwesokudla noma enkinobheni yegundane yaphakathi. uma uhluleka, utux ubamba ibhola. kumele uchofoze kulo ukuze ulibuyisele lapha belikhona


double click the mouse on the ball to kick it. you can double click the left right or middle mouse button. if you lose, tux catches the ball. you must click on it to bring it back to its former position

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ekuqaleni komdlalo izimbewu ezine zibekwa phakathi kwendlu. abadlali bashintshana ngokususa izimbewu. ekushitshaneni ngabunye, umdlali ukhetha indlu enye kulezo eziyisithupha azilawulayo. umdlali ususa zonke izimbewu ezisedlini, aphinde azihlukanise, ezilahla ngayinye ezindlini ngokuphambanisela kusuka endlini enkulu, ngesenzakalo esibezwa nge-sowing. izimbewu ezibekwa ezindlini ezithole amaphuzu amancane noma lezo ezilinganisile. lokho kusho ukuthi indlu eqalayo eyekwa ingafakiwe; uma iphethe izimbewu eziyi-12, eyeqwa, futhi imbewu yesishumi nambili ibekwa endlini elandelayo. emva kwethuba, uma imbewu yokugqina ibekwe indlini yaloyo odlala naye kwaphinda kwanyuka inani labambili noma ntathu, zonke izimbewu ezisendleni leyo ziyabanjwa zibekwe endlini yamaphuzu womdlali (noama zibekwe eceleni uma ibhodi lingenazo izindlu yokubeka amaphuzu). uma imbewu endlule noma yokugcina ilethe inani elezimbili noma ezintathu lezimbewu endlini yaloyo odlala naye, ziyabanjwa nazo, futhi njala njalo. kodwa uma onyakazayo ebamba zonke izimbewu, ukubamba kuyacishwa, futhi izimbewu ziyekwa ebhodini, ngoba lokho kungavimbela odlala naye ukuthi angasaqhubeki. umgomo lowo ongavumelani nokubanjwa kwezimbewu zonke zaloyo odlala naye zihlobene nombono obanzi, ukuthi umuntu kumele anyakaze kunokuthi enze loyo adlala naye ukuba aqhubeke ukudlala. uma izindlu zaloyo odlala naye azinalutho, odlala manje kwamele enze unyakazo elenza ukuba anike adlala naye izimbewu. uma ingekho into enjalo, odlala maje ubamba zonke izimbewu kuye, lokho kuqeda umdlalo. (kuvela ku-wikipedia <;)


at the beginning of the game four seeds are placed in each house. players take turns moving the seeds. in each turn, a player chooses one of the six houses under his or her control. the player removes all seeds from this house, and distributes them, dropping one in each house counter-clockwise from the original house, in a process called sowing. seeds are not distributed into the end scoring houses, nor into the house drawn from. that is, the starting house is left empty; if it contained 12 seeds, it is skipped, and the twelfth seed is placed in the next house. after a turn, if the last seed was placed into an opponent's house and brought its total to two or three, all the seeds in that house are captured and placed in the player's scoring house (or set aside if the board has no scoring houses). if the previous-to-last seed also brought the total seeds in an opponent's house to two or three, these are captured as well, and so on. however, if a move would capture all an opponent's seeds, the capture is forfeited, and the seeds are instead left on the board, since this would prevent the opponent from continuing the game. the proscription against capturing all an opponent's seeds is related to a more general idea, that one ought to make a move that allows the opponent to continue playing. if an opponent's houses are all empty, the current player must make a move that gives the opponent seeds. if no such move is possible, the current player captures all seeds in his/her own territory, ending the game. (source wikipedia <;)

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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