Results for ukuphikelela translation from Zulu to English

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Last Update: 2014-09-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


kuyiqiniso ukuthi sonke senza amaphutha futhi siyazisola, kodwa ukuze sigweme ukuzisola esikhathini esizayo, kubalulekile ukuthatha izinyathelo ezisebenzayo namuhla. njengomfundi, kunezindlela eziningana ezisebenzayo ezingasetshenziswa ukuqinisekisa ukuthi awuzisoli kusasa ngalokho okwenzayo namhlanje. okokuqala, ukukhuluma okuhle kuyingxenye ebalulekile yokufunda. ukugxila ezicini ezinhle zomsebenzi nokuzidumisa ngomzamo, ukuphikelela kanye nempumelelo kungasiza ekugcineni ugqugquzelekile futhi uhlanganyele. ngu s


it is a fact that we all make mistakes and have regrets, but to avoid have regrets in the future, it is important to take proactive steps today. as a learner, there are several effective strategies that can be implemented to ensure that you do not regret tomorrow what you are doing today. first, positive self talk is an important part of learning. focusing on the positive aspects of the task and praising yourself for effort, persistence and success can help keep you motivated and engaged. by s

Last Update: 2023-02-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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