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how school there



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how school


bagaimana sekolah

Dernière mise à jour : 2018-04-17
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


i became a monitoring assistant while at school. there, i learned a lot about leadership, and i also improved myself in terms of self -confidence and teamwork, and eventually i received the award for best assistant leader. further, with this experience i was able to practice while i was a leader as a group assignment in college


saya menjadi sebagai pembantu pemantau semasa di sekolah. di sana, saya belajar banyak tentang kepimpinan, dan saya juga meningkatkan diri saya dari segi keyakinan diri dan kerja berpasukan, dan akhirnya saya menerima anugerah untuk penolong pemimpin terbaik. seterusnya, dengan pengalaman ini saya dapat pratikkan semasa saya menjadi leader sebagai group assignment di kolej

Dernière mise à jour : 2021-12-10
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


badminton is one of my favorite sports. and it is one of the most played sports in our country. we all love to play badminton. i also like this game very much because this game doesn’t require more people to play it. only two people are required to play badminton, or only two people can easily play badminton. in the badminton game, anyone can play it because of not having many rules. in every school, there is a sports period in which teachers make students play badminton and tell them the benefits of playing badminton. by playing badminton, physical fatigue is eliminated, we will always stay fit, and at the same time, our brain also works smoothly.


Dernière mise à jour : 2021-06-29
Fréquence d'utilisation : 3
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme

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