Vous avez cherché: ungaphinde uyelapha (Zoulou - Anglais)

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ungaphinde uyelapha



Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-08
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme


donsa ezihlangeneyo zogesi kusuka kukhetho uphinde uzilahle lapho kusetshenzelwa khona. dala ucingo ngokuchofoza indawo lapho kuxhunywana khona, udonse igundane endaweni ezayo lapho kuxhunywana khona umauqeda uyaziyeka. ungaphinde futhi unyakazise ezilangeneyo ngokuzidonsa. ungasusa ucingo ngokuchofoza kuwo. ukususa ezihlangeneyo, khetha ithuluzi lokususa phezulu kokhotho lwezihlangeneyo. ungachofoza isiqhebeza uma ufuna ukusivala noma ukusivula. ungashintsha intengo ye-rheostat ngokudonsa lento eyisulayo. ukuze ubone ukuthi kwenzakalani uma isigaxa sififuthelwa, ungasifufuthela ngokuchofoza kuso kwesukudla. ukumbuluza kuyavuselelwa ngesikhathi samanje ngesenzo esinye nesinye somsebenzisi.


drag electrical components from the selector and drop them in the working area. create wires by clicking on a connection spot, dragging the mouse to the next connection spot, and letting go. you can also move components by dragging them. you can delete wires by clicking on them. to delete a component, select the deletion tool on top of the component selector. you can click on the switch to open and close it. you can change the rheostat value by dragging its wiper. in order to simulate what happens when a bulb is blown, you can blown it by right-clicking on it. the simulation is updated in real time by any user action.

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-08-20
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme

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