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dywedodd na fyddai ei gleientiaid yn teimlo'n esmwyth ped âi pobl wyn ar ei deithiau


she said that its clients would not feel comfortable if white people went on its trips

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


yr wyf yn siwr y bydd aelodau eraill yn awyddus i'ch holi ar faterion a allai godi ped ymosodid yn ddialgar ar gymru


i am sure that other members will wish to question you on matters that may have to be brought into play in the event of a reprisal attack on wales

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com


a fyddwch yn gallu darparu'r arian ychwanegol y bydd ar brifysgolion cymru ei angen i gystadlu â phrifysgolion lloegr ? os mai ` byddwn ' yw'r ateb i'r cwestiwn hwnnw , oni fyddwch yn wynebu problem arall , gan y byddwch yn sicr o gael eich boddi dan geisiadau oddi wrth fyfyrwyr yn lloegr sydd am astudio yng nghymru am na chodir ffioedd arnynt ? ynteu a godir ffioedd arnynt ? pan ofynnais y cwestiwn hwnnw i chi ychydig fisoedd yn ôl yn y pwyllgor addysg a dysgu gydol oes , rhoesoch ar ddeall na fyddid yn codi ffioedd ar fyfyrwyr o loegr ped aent i brifysgolion yng nghymru , gan na fyddant ond yn berthnasol i brifysgolion


will you be able to provide the additional money that welsh universities will need to compete with english universities ? if the answer to that question is ` yes ', is it not the case that you will face another problem , as you will surely be flooded by applications from english students who want to study in wales because they will not be charged fees ? or will they be charged fees ? when i put that question to you a few months ago in the education and lifelong learning committee , you made it clear that english students would not be charged fees if they went to welsh universities , because they will only apply to universities

Ultimo aggiornamento 2009-11-19
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Translated.com

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