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pengalaman semasa sma aku selama 3 tahun yang paling berkesan adalah setiap tahun kami merayakan ulang tahun sekolah dengan mengadakan funwalk, dan mengundang artist. aku pernah menjabat sebagai sekretaris majelis permusyawaratan kelas sewaktu aku kelas 11 itu pengalaman organisasi paling berkesan karena aku banyak belajar hal hal baru, mendapatkan teman baru dari kelas lain, mengawasi berbagai acara sekolah. aku pernah menjabat sebagai ketua kelas semasa kelas 11, dimasa itu banyak kejadian dan


my most memorable 3 years of high school experience is that every year we celebrate the school's anniversary by holding a funwalk, and inviting artists. i once served as secretary of the class deliberative council when i was in 11th grade. it was the most memorable organizational experience because i learned a lot of new things, made new friends from other classes, supervised various school events. i once served as class president during 11th grade, during that time there were many events and

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-10-20
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