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available to as many people as possible



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use the available texture units to do as many as possible independent texture fetches.


guna unit tekstur tersedia untuk buat sebanyak mungkin perolehan tekstur bebas.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2014-08-15
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


recruitment is the process of attracting as many candidates as possible to apply for jobs in the organization.


recruitment is the process of attracting as many candidates as possible to apply for jobs in the organization.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-12-01
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


rehabilitation is the treatment or treatments designed to facilitate the process of recovery from injury, illness or disease to as normal a condition as possible.


rehabilitasi adalah rawatan atau rawatan yang dirancang untuk mempermudah proses pemulihan dari kecederaan, penyakit atau penyakit ke keadaan normal mungkin.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-04-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Anonimo


the first is denial of service. denial of service is about an attacker directs hundreds of external compromised workstations to send as many ping requests as possible to a business network and swamping the system.


yang pertama ialah penafian perkhidmatan. penafian perkhidmatan adalah mengenai penyerang mengarahkan ratusan stesen kerja luaran yang terjejas untuk menghantar seberapa banyak permintaan ping yang mungkin kepada rangkaian perniagaan dan menukar sistem.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-12-20
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


in order to have the broad customer base that is required for success in the cat grooming business, it is crucial to customize your services to target different types of cats and as many of these groups as possible.


untuk mempunyai asas pelanggan yang luas yang diperlukan untuk kejayaan dalam perniagaan grooming kucing,

Ultimo aggiornamento 2022-12-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


there is a truism in this concept as many people read to get more knowledge about something that happend in the past or something that we do' not know


terdapat truism dalam konsep ini kerana ramai orang membaca untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak pengetahuan tentang sesuatu

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-12-09
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


has the potential to increase but the goal is to get as many people as you can to click on the link that results in a direct purchase. you only act as a referrer, exposing customers to new products or services and when the sale is complete, you as an affiliate marketer earn a commission


lebih mudah untuk skala. kebanyakan kerja ditanggung oleh pembekal, jadi walaupun anda mendapat lebih banyak pesanan, anda tidak perlu risau tentang penyimpanan inventori atau pengurusan gudang, yang bermakna kurang sakit kepala dan kurang kerja tambahan.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2021-11-26
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


we should try to not only to get a strong impression, but also to obtain as many different kind of impressions as possible. some people can remember colours distinctly, but have a poor memory for shapes. but anyone, by putting together and using all of the impressions our sense organs bring us about one thing, allows us to remember it much more clearly than if we were to rely on sight or sound alone.


kita seharusnya cuba untuk bukan sahaja untuk mendapatkan kesan yang kuat, tetapi juga untuk mendapatkan seberapa banyak jenis berbeza tayangan sebanyak mungkin. sesetengah orang boleh ingat warna yang jelas, tetapi mempunyai ingatan yang lemah bagi bentuk. tetapi sesiapa, dengan meletakkan bersama dan menggunakan semua jejak indra kami membawa kita kira-kira satu benda, membolehkan kita untuk mengingatinya lebih jelas daripada jika kita adalah untuk bergantung kepada penglihatan atau bunyi semata-mata.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-04-05
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


fpso kikeh emergency response plan 8.2.1 – drill and exercises critical analysis . • mustering: 1. only fire team, commander and first aider compulsory to wear complete safety attire. 2. non-essential crew required to report to muster checker as fast as possible and wearing safety coverall is preferred and not mandatory. 3. mustering drill not required to notify “this is the drill “and if the scenario plan to be escalating – then only required to notify to pob that “this is the drill and the scenario are…” 4. target mustering time is not more than 7 minutes, debriefing required soonest possible after the drill to find out why the target time is not meet and how to improve. 5. encourage pob hang the 3rd coverall with zip open readily available to be wear during emergency before bed time. 6. fire team and commander will utilised vhf radio when available (on ordered) for better radio traffic & coverage (blind spot) management during emergency .


Ultimo aggiornamento 2023-08-26
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo
Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta

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