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my son nice mama overpowered


ganda ng anak ko

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-06-05
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Riferimento: Anonimo


goryeo, also known as koryŏ (hangul: 고려; hanja: 高麗; korean pronunciation: [koɾjʌ]; 918–1392), was a korean dynasty established in 918 by king taejo. this kingdom later gave name to the modern exonym "korea".[1] it united the later three kingdoms in 936 and ruled most of the korean peninsula until it was removed by the leader of the joseon dynasty in 1392. the goryeo dynasty expanded its borders to present-day wonsan in the north-east (936–943) and the amnok river (993) and finally almost the whole of the korean peninsula (1374). two of this period's most notable products are goryeo celadon pottery and the tripitaka koreana — the buddhist scriptures (tripitaka) carved onto roughly 80,000 woodblocks and stored, and still in, haeinsa. subjects and officials of the goryeo dynasty also created the world's first metal-based movable type in 1234; the oldest surviving movable metal type book, the jikji, was made in 1377. in 668, silla conquered baekje and goguryeo with alliance of tang dynasty, but by the late 9th century it was tottering, its monarchs being unimaginative and pressed by the power of powerful statesmen. many robbers and outlaws agitated and in 900 gyeon hwon revolted from silla control in the jeolla region as hubaekje and next year gung ye revolted from the northern regions as hugoguryeo (taebong). a son of a regional lord, wang geon went into hugoguryeo as a general. hugoguryeo fell when wang geon revolted and killed gung ye in 918; silla was overpowered by goryeo and hubaekje and surrendered to goryeo in 935. in 936 hubaekje surrendered and goryeo started an unbroken dynasty that ruled korea for 474 years. by the 14th century goryeo had lost much of its power under yuan dynasty influences. although king gongmin managed to free his kingdom from the mongol influence, the goryeo general yi seonggye revolted and overthrew the last king of goryeo, king gongyang in 1392. gongyang was killed in 1394.


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Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-01-28
Frequenza di utilizzo: 2

Riferimento: Anonimo
Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta

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