검색어: servicealternativer (노르웨이어 - 영어)

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macbook air-garantien har utløpt.hvilke servicealternativer har jeg?


my macbook pro warranty has expired. what are my service options?

마지막 업데이트: 2011-03-16
사용 빈도: 1


7. macbook air-garantien har utløpt.hvilke servicealternativer har jeg? apple tilbyr to servicealternativer for macbook air som ikke lenger dekkes av garantien.


7. my macbook pro warranty has expired. what are my service options? apple offers two service options for an macbook pro that is no longer within warranty.

마지막 업데이트: 2011-03-16
사용 빈도: 1


en representant for applecare, aasp eller apple-butikken vil gi deg et kostnadsoverslag før du godkjenner at service skal utføres.7. macbook air-garantien har utløpt.hvilke servicealternativer har jeg? apple tilbyr to servicealternativer for macbook air som ikke lenger dekkes av garantien. hvis macbook air må ha service bare fordi batteriets evne til å holde på batteristrømmen er redusert, kan apple reparere din macbook air mot en serviceavgift. les mer om batteribytteordningen. hvis du eier en macbook air og den trenger service av en annen årsak, har du fortsatt tilgang til alle tilgjengelige servicealternativer, men du blir ansvarlig for servicekostnadene, inkludert deler, frakt (om nødvendig) og gjeldende avgifter. en representant for applecare, aasp eller apple-butikken vil gi deg et kostnadsoverslag før du godkjenner at service skal utføres.


applecare or your local aasp or apple retail store representative will provide you with an estimate of service costs before receiving your authorization to perform service.7. my macbook pro warranty has expired. what are my service options? apple offers two service options for an macbook pro that is no longer within warranty. if your macbook pro requires service only because the battery's ability to hold an electrical charge has diminished, apple will repair your macbook pro for a service fee. read more about the battery replacement program. if you own an macbook pro, and it requires service for any other issue, you still have access to all available service options, but you will be responsible for the cost of service, including parts, labor, shipping (if any), and applicable taxes. applecare or your local aasp or apple retail store representative will provide you with an estimate of service costs before receiving your authorization to perform service.

마지막 업데이트: 2011-03-16
사용 빈도: 1

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