Results for izvedljivosti translation from Czech to English

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to lahko vključuje raziskovalno infrastrukturo, za katero je bila študija izvedljivosti financirana iz zgodnejših okvirnih programov.


this may include research infrastructure for which the feasibility studies have been financed from earlier framework programmes.

Last Update: 2010-09-04
Usage Frequency: 1


v letu 2009 bo objavljen javni razpis za izvedbo študije izvedljivosti za revizijo odločbe 90/424/egs.


a call for tender is to be launched in 2009 for carrying out the feasibility study for the revision of decision 90/424/eec.

Last Update: 2010-09-26
Usage Frequency: 1


poudaril bo izjemen značaj pomoči za namene prestrukturiranja in dejstvo, da bo taka pomoč časovno omejena in povezana z zmanjšanji zmogljivosti v okviru programov izvedljivosti.


it would stress the exceptional character of such aid and the fact that the aid would be limited in time and would be linked to capacity reductions within the framework of feasibility programmes.

Last Update: 2010-09-06
Usage Frequency: 1


po mnenju komisije informacije, ki jih je predložila italija, niso pregnale dvomov komisije o izvedljivosti načrta iz decembra 2000, ki ga je predložila italija.


in the commission's view the information that italy has provided has not dispelled the doubts it raised concerning the feasibility of the december 2000 plan submitted by italy.

Last Update: 2010-09-04
Usage Frequency: 1


za pripravo študije o izvedljivosti splošne revizije zakonodaje skupnosti na področju dobrega počutja domačih živali in vključevanju kazalnikov o dobrem počutju domačih živali v zakonodajo se odobri finančni prispevek skupnosti do najvišjega zneska 250000 eur.


a community financial contribution for the performance of a study on the feasibility of a general revision of the community farm animal welfare legislation and the integration of farm animal welfare indicators in the legislation up to a maximum of eur 250000 is hereby approved.

Last Update: 2010-09-26
Usage Frequency: 1


(4) opraviti je treba študijo izvedljivosti v zvezi s splošno revizijo zakonodaje skupnosti na področju dobrega počutja domačih živali in vključevanjem kazalnikov o dobrem počutju domačih živali v zakonodajo.


(4) a feasibility study concerning the general revision of the community farm animal welfare legislation and the integration of farm animal welfare indicators in the legislation should be performed.

Last Update: 2010-09-26
Usage Frequency: 1


prav tako določa, da morajo biti takšni ukrepi v sorazmerju in ne smejo ovirati trgovine bolj, kakor je potrebno za doseganje visoke ravni varovanja zdravja, ob upoštevanju tehnične in gospodarske izvedljivosti in drugih dejavnikov, pomembnih za obravnavano zadevo.


it also stipulates that such measures must be proportionate and no more restrictive of trade than is required to achieve the high level of health protection sought, regard being had to technical and economic feasibility and other factors regarded as legitimate in the matter under consideration.

Last Update: 2010-09-01
Usage Frequency: 1


(3) v skladu s členom 49(6)(a) in (b) finančne uredbe se z odstopanjem od člena 49(1) odobrena proračunska sredstva za eksperimentalne pilotne projekte, namenjene preskušanju izvedljivosti ukrepa in njegove uporabnosti, in proračunska sredstva za pripravljalne ukrepe na področjih uporabe pogodbe es, namenjene za pripravo predlogov za sprejetje prihodnjih ukrepov, lahko izvršujejo brez temeljnega akta, če ukrepi, ki naj bi se financirali, spadajo v pristojnost skupnosti ali evropske unije.


(3) under article 49(6)(a) and (b) of the financial regulation, by way of derogation from article 49(1), appropriations for pilot schemes of an experimental nature designed to test the feasibility of an action and its usefulness, and appropriations for preparatory actions in the fields of application of the ec treaty designed to prepare proposals with a view to the adoption of future actions may be implemented without a basic act provided the actions which they are intended to finance fall within the powers of the communities or the european union.

Last Update: 2010-08-31
Usage Frequency: 1

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