Results for honningsektoren translation from Danish to English

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i betragtning af disse forhold og i betragtning af sektorens heterogenitet og de helt forskellige former for biavl i eu er vi af den opfattelse, at hverken en ny fælles markedsordning for honningsektoren eller en direkte støtteordning i form af direkte indkomststøtte til biavlerne kan retfærdiggøres for øjeblikket.


bearing these facts in mind and bearing in mind the heterogeneity of the sector and the widely differing bee economies in the european union, we feel that neither a new common organisation of the market in the honey sector nor a direct aid regulation in the form of direct income support for beekeepers is warranted at the present time.

Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5


efter indgåelsen af en aftale inden for rammerne al" gatt­aftalen. bør kommissionen nu drage dens egne konklusioner for så vidt angår nogle af de forslag, som den i sin tid stillede til rådet omkring honningsektoren.


in respect of human rights which are supported so hypocritically by those who criticise others while ignoring violations in their own countries we must say that we cannot confuse political and penal condemnations and in no case can we appeal over penal condemnations which unfortunately exist in every society in order supposedly to support human rights and the freedom of' expression and conscience.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

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eØsu foreslår derfor, at rådets forordning bevarer sin nuværende titel eller i hvert fald gives følgende: ”om foranstaltninger til forbedring af produktionen og afsætningen i honningsektoren”.


the eesc therefore proposes either leaving the title of the council regulation as it is or changing it to: "on actions to improve production and marketing in the field of beekeeping".

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

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fru formand, jeg vil gerne lykønske fru lulling med hendes betænkning, som nu er i tråd med det, vi fremførte under debatten om kommissionens oplæg og i tråd med det, hr. böge fremlagde allerede for lang tid siden, da vi udarbejdede den første betænkning om honningsektoren.


madam president, i wish to congratulate mrs lulling on her report, in line with what we said when we held a debate on the reflection document presented by the commission and also in line with mr böge 's first report on the honey sector.

Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5

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