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doing some laundry



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after doing some research,


selepas melakukan penelitian,

Last Update: 2020-05-16
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


was doing some odd posts in eu thread as i was waiting for trades set ups. red himself pointed out his price action thread. i’m extremely grateful he did. what i discovered there was pure gold in terms of trading.


telah melakukan beberapa jawatan ganjil dalam benang eu kerana saya sedang menunggu untuk perdagangan ditubuhkan. red sendiri menunjukkan benang tindakan harganya. aku sangat berterima kasih yang dia lakukan. apa yang saya dapati terdapat emas tulen dari segi perdagangan.

Last Update: 2021-12-31
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


uafter finishing spm i started doing some jobs as a part -time employee, also used to work as a customer service in a company that handles goods for sale online such as shopee and lazada. in addition, i also used to work in a food restaurant and hotel as a waiter.


saya juga berupaya dalam menggunakan microsoft word, canva editing dan juga power point

Last Update: 2022-01-05
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


among them is that entrepreneurs need to have high knowledge. science is very important in doing some business. with knowledge, one can master a field at the same time as being able to advance himself and those around him. in fact, our country needs knowledgeable entrepreneurs in order to change the fate of society and the country.


antaranya ialah usahawan perlu mempunyai ilmu yang tinggi. ilmu amatlah penting dalam melakukan sesuatu urusan. dengan adanya ilmu, seseorang itu boleh menguasai sesuatu bidang sekaligus dapat memajukan dirinya dan orang sekelilingnya. malah, negara kita memerlukan usahawan yang berilmu agar dapat mengubah nasib masyarakat dan negara.

Last Update: 2022-06-02
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


qibla is the direction from a place facing the kaaba in mecca. muslims must face the qiblah when praying and be told to face it when doing some practices such as prayer, reciting the quran and slaughtering animals. this obligation applies not only to muslims in mecca but also to all muslims in the world. in the aspect of facing the qiblah, there are some differences for three groups, namely those in the masjid haram, outside the masjid haram, namely around mekah


kiblat ialah arah dari sesebuah tempat menghadap ke kaabah di mekah. orang islam wajib menghadap kiblat ketika solat dan disuruh menghadapnya ketika melakukan beberapa amalan seperti doa, membaca al quran dan menyembelih binatang. kewajipan ini bukan sahaja kepada orang islam di mekah malah kepada semua umat islam di dunia. dalam aspek menghadap arah kiblat, terdapat beberapa perbezaan bagi tiga golongan iaitu yang berada dalam masjidil haram, berada luar dari masjidil haram iaitu sekitar mek

Last Update: 2022-11-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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