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along with the emergence of islamic civilization


daripada satu bahasa

Last Update: 2022-06-05
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


peace it is until the emergence of dawn.


sejahteralah malam (yang berkat) itu hingga terbit fajar!

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the emergence of eye cataract disease and skin cancer


kemunculan penyakit katarak mata dan kanser kulit

Last Update: 2022-01-05
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


emergence of novel hcovs: back to ground zero


kemunculan hcov novel: kembali ke permulaan

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the diversity of bat covs provides ample opportunities for the emergence of novel hcovs.


kepelbagaian cov kelawar memberikan peluang yang luas untuk kemunculan hcov novel.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


at that time, the emergence of islam had appeared in mecca brought by the prophet muhammad.


pada ketika itu, kemunculan islam telah muncul di mekah yang dibawa oleh nabi muhammad.

Last Update: 2022-01-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


emergence of medieval philosophengahan dalam empayar rom akhir.y in the late roman empire


kemunculan falsafah zaman pert

Last Update: 2022-11-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the emergence of sars-cov-2 follows the general theme by which sars-cov and mers-cov arose.


kemunculan sars-cov-2 mengikuti tema umum kemunculan sars-cov dan mers-cov.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


there are plenty of opportunities that these zoonotic covs evolve and recombine, resulting in the emergence of new covs that are more transmissible and/or deadly in humans in future.


terdapat banyak peluang untuk cov zoonotik ini berevolusi dan bergabung semula, menyebabkan kemunculan cov baharu yang lebih mudah menular dan/atau boleh membunuh dalam manusia pada masa depan.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


key to the focus of our study will be the estimation of peak cases in the population and continual monitoring by data collection and modelling the potential growth and emergence of subsequent peaks in new cases as social distancing measures are relaxed.


kunci kepada fokus kajian kita adalah anggaran kes puncak dalam populasi dan pemantauan berterusan dengan mengumpul data serta membuat model potensi pertumbuhan dan kemunculakan kes puncak seterusnya dalam kes baharu apabila langkah penjarakan sosial dilonggarkan.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


n the emergence of this pawn business in the early development of civilization, it indirectly became an informal financial institution that greatly helped the poor and low -income in obtaining financial resources through quick and easy procedure


kemunculan perniagaan pajak gadai ini di awal pembangunan ketamadunan, ia secara tidak langsung menjadi institusi kewangan tidak formal yang banyak membantu golongan miskin dan berpendapatan rendah dalam mendapatkan sumber kewangan melalui prosedur yang cepat dan mudah

Last Update: 2022-01-10
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the emergence of sars-cov-2 in central china at the end of 2019 has thrusted covs into the spotlight again and surprised us with its high transmissibility but reduced pathogenicity compared to its sister sars-cov.


kemunculan sars-cov-2 di china pada penghujung 2019 telah menarik perhatian terhadap cov dan mengejutkan kita dengan kebolehjangkitannya yang mudah tetapi kurang patogenik berbanding sars-cov.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


in this paper, we will analyze the conventional credit risk management and mitigation techniques and their applicability in islamic banking, the credit risk management practices in islamic banks, the achieved results and factors that influence the emergence and intensity of credit risk in islamic banking.


dalam makalah ini, kami akan menganalisis teknik pengurusan dan pengurangan risiko kredit konvensional dan penggunaannya dalam perbankan islam, amalan pengurusan risiko kredit dalam bank islam, keputusan yang dicapai dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemunculan dan intensiti risiko kredit dalam perbankan islam.

Last Update: 2022-04-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


second, the large rna genome in covs exerts extra plasticity in genome modification for mutations and recombination, thereby increasing the probability for interspecies co-evolution, which is advantageous for the emergence of novel covs when the conditions become appropriate.


kedua, genom rna terbesar dalam cov menggunakan keplastikan tambahan dalam perubahan genom untuk mutasi dan gabungan semula, sekaligus meningkatkan kebarangkalian evolusi bersama antara spesies, yang bermanfaat untuk kemunculan novel cov apabila keadaan sesuai.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


according to the founder of the world economic forum, klaus schwab in his book the fourth industrial revolution describes the fourth industrial revolution marked by the emergence of supercomputers, smart robots, driverless vehicles, genetic editing and the development of neurotechnology that allows humans to better optimize brain function.


menurut pengasas forum ekonomi dunia, klaus schwab dalam bukunya the fourth industrial revolution menjelaskan revolusi industri keempat ini ditandai dengan kemunculan superkomputer, robot pintar, kenderaan tanpa pengemudi, suntingan genetik dan perkembangan neuroteknologi yang memungkinkan manusia untuk lebih mengoptimalkan fungsi otak

Last Update: 2022-01-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the covid 19 pandemic has had a profound impact on global health affecting various aspects of society including public safety. in malaysia the emergence of covid 19 has posed numerous challenges to the healthcare system and has necessitated significant adaptations to ensure the safety and well being of the population. this essay aims to explore the effects of covid 19 on public safety in malaysia and discuss the measures taken to mitigate the spread of the virus.


pandemik covid 19 telah memberi kesan yang mendalam kepada kesihatan global yang memberi kesan kepada pelbagai aspek masyarakat termasuk keselamatan awam. di malaysia kemunculan covid 19 telah menimbulkan pelbagai cabaran kepada sistem penjagaan kesihatan dan memerlukan penyesuaian yang signifikan untuk memastikan keselamatan dan kesejahteraan penduduk. esei ini bertujuan untuk meneroka kesan covid 19 terhadap keselamatan awam di malaysia dan membincangkan langkah-langkah yang diambil untuk mengurangkan penyebaran virus.

Last Update: 2023-12-29
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


started as a country that is dependent on the primary sector, malaysia now is one of the industrial countries could be considered advanced. significant changes made mclalui diversification strategy which was introduced since the 1970 's. the emergence of modern industry in malaysia are closely related to the influx of foreign direct investment.


selain itu, kemasukan pelaburan asing dalam sesebuah negara dapat meningkatkan teknologi dan berlaku pemindahan teknologi. pemindahan teknologi dan perkongsian kepakaran untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualiti dan mampu bersaing di peringkat global seperti projek baja urea asean. kemasukan syarikat multinasional akan menyebabkan kemajuan dalam sektor perindustrian. contohnya, r&d (penyelidikan dan pembangunan ) dalam reka bentuk model kereta, sistem enjin dan aksesori dalam pengeluaran kereta proton melalui kerjasama syarikat jepun menyebabkan industri automobil negara mampu bersaing dengan pasaran antarabangsa.

Last Update: 2018-12-29
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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a significant effect that can be seen from the depletion of the ozone layer is global warming where conditions around the earth will experience a higher temperature increase compared to normal temperatures even at night. examples that can be highlighted are that the melting of ice in the north pole will increase, sea levels will rise and natural disasters will occur. not to forget also the effect of ozone depletion on humans where this will affect human health such as the emergence


kesan ketara yang dapat dilihat daripada penipisan lapisan ozon ini ialah pemanasan global dimana keadaan di sekeliling bumi akan mengalami peningkatan suhu yang tinggi berbanding suhu normal meskipun pada waktu malam. contoh yang dapat diketengahkan ialah pencairan ais di kutub utara akan meningkat, paras air laut akan mingkat dan bencana alam akan berlaku. tidak dilupakan juga kesan penipisan lapisan ozon terhadap manusia dimana perkara ini akan menjejaskan kesihatan manusia seperti kemunculan

Last Update: 2022-01-05
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


however, the emergence of influencers such as on social media, namely instagram, tiktok, facebook and youtube, especially those that are gaining attention at the global level, can be used as a platform to promote malaysian tourist destinations as well as reduce advertising costs. influencers are said to be an effective and efficient medium for becoming new travel agents for millennials


namun begitu kemunculan influencers seperti di social media iaitu instagram, tiktok, facebook and youtube khususnya yang semakin mendapat perhatian diperingkat global mampu dijadikan sebagai platform untuk mempromosikan destinasi pelancongan malaysia disamping dapat mengurangkan kos pengiklanan. influencers dikatakan adalah medium yang berkesan dan efisien bagi menjadi new travel agents for millennials

Last Update: 2022-01-16
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


espite the challenging environment, the labuan banks demonstrated high business agility and resilience by adapting to the new challenging norms, as well as by ensuring that their operations remained sustainable. this included ventures into new offerings, especially in the digital banking space. the emergence of the labuan digital banking framework had enriched the industry by enabling participations from non-bank institutions to offer innovative banking services. in 2020, there were eight new banking institutions in the labuan market which included four which are focused on digital business. faced with the uncertainties in the international banking business and regional economic outlook beyond 2020, labuan banks would need to strategize and enhance their intermediation role for the markets within asia. going forward, labuan ibfc players will certainly not be complacent but instead, intensify efforts to capture business opportunities in the region.


walaupun dalam persekitaran yang mencabar, bank-bank labuan menunjukkan ketangkasan dan daya tahan perniagaan yang tinggi dengan menyesuaikan diri dengan norma baharu yang mencabar, serta dengan memastikan operasi mereka kekal mampan. ini termasuk usaha untuk mendapatkan tawaran baharu, terutamanya dalam ruang perbankan digital. kemunculan rangka kerja perbankan digital labuan telah memperkayakan industri dengan membolehkan penyertaan daripada institusi bukan bank untuk menawarkan perkhidmatan perbankan yang inovatif. pada tahun 2020, terdapat e

Last Update: 2021-11-28
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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