Results for blushing translation from English to Maltese

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facial blushing or tiny broken capillaries


fwawar fuq il-wiċċ jew kapillari żgħar mkissrin

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


hot flush or blushing/redness in the face, neck or upper chest


fwawar ta’ sħana jew ħmura fil-wiċċ, l-għonq jew fil-parti ta’ fuq tas-sider

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


uncommon side effects (more than 1 in 1,000 patients but less than 1 in 100 patients) are: • weight gain, increased appetite, change in blood sugar levels (diabetes) of which a symptom may be excessive thirst, increased blood fat levels • erectile difficulties and/ or loss of sex drive • difficulty in sleeping • dizziness, numbness or tingling sensation, sleepiness, impaired sense of taste, reduction in sensation of touch • abnormal ecg heart tracing • hot flushes or blushing (e. g. redness of the face or neck), increased blood pressure • cough, shortness of breath, flu-like symptoms • dry mouth, abdominal pain/ discomfort or wind, heartburn/ indigestion, constipation, more frequent passing of stools • vomiting • itching, hives, skin inflammation or discolouration, other type of skin conditions • muscle cramp, pain/ ache in muscles/ joints, bursitis or arthritis (inflammation of joints usually accompanied by pain, swelling and/ or stiffness) • blood in the urine, abnormal frequent urination, kidney stones, abnormal urine tests (increased level of proteins in urine), a reduction in the ability of the kidneys to function properly • fatigue, localised swelling due to the retention of fluids in the tissues (oedema) • changes in blood chemistry or amount of blood cells (abnormal blood test results)


effetti sekondarji mhux komuni (aktar minn 1 f’ kull 1, 000 pazjent iżda inqas minn 1 f’ kull 100 pazjent) huma: • żjieda fil- piż, żjieda fl- aptit, bidla fil- livelli ta ’ zokkor fid- demm (dijabete) li jista ’ jkollha bħala sintomu għatx eċċessiv, żjieda fil- livelli ta ’ xaħam fid- demm • diffikultajiet erettili u/ jew telf tax- xewqa għas- sess • diffikultà biex torqod • sturdament, sensazzjoni ta ’ tnemnim jew tingiż, ngħas, sensazzjoni tat- togħma mnaqqsa, tnaqqis fis- sensazzjoni tal- mess • traċċar tal- qalb b’ ecg mhux normali • fwawar ta ’ sħana jew fwawar fil- wiċċ (e. ż. ħmura tal- wiċċ jew ta ’ l- għonq), żjieda fil- pressjoni tad- demm • sogħla, qtugħ ta ’ nifs, sintomi bħal ta ’ l- influwenza • ħalq xott, uġigħ addominali/ skomdu jew gass, ħruq ta ’ stonku/ indiġestjoni, stitikezza, purgar aktar frekwenti • rimettar • ħakk, ħorriqija, infjammazzjoni jew bidla fil- kulur tal- ġilda, tipi oħra ta ’ kondizzjonijiet tal- ġilda • bugħawwieġ, uġigħ/ weġgħat fil- muskoli/ ġogi, borżite jew artrite (infjammazzjoni tal- ġogi ġeneralment b’ uġigħ, nefħa u/ jew ebusija) • demm fl- awrina, awrina frekwenti aktar mis- soltu, ġebel fil- kilwa, testijiet ta ’ l- awrina mhux normali (żjieda fil- livell ta ’ proteini fl- awrina), tnaqqis fil- ħila tal- kliewi li jaħdmu kif suppost • għeja, nefħa lokalizzata minħabba ż- żamma ta ’ fluwidi fit- tessuti (edima)

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

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