Results for pengentalan translation from Indonesian to English

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bahan bahan:4 sdm kopi instan secukupnya gula pasir 4 sdm air mendidih 2 gelas susu cara membuat dalgona coffee: masukkan kopi dan gula ke wadah, lalu tuang air mendidih. gula bisa dikurangi atau ditambah sesuai selera. mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga warna berubah dan tekstur mengental kurang lebih selama 10 15 menit. jika kamu tidak memiliki mixer, bisa masukkan bahan ke botol dan kocok sampai teksturnya mengental. tuangkan susu, boleh panas atau dingin, hingga setelah gelas. masukkan 1


ingredients:4 tbsp instant coffee intense sugar 4 tbsp boiling water 2 glasses of milk how to make dalgona coffee: put coffee and sugar in a container, then pour in boiling water. sugar can be reduced or added according to taste. mixer at high speed until the colour changes and the texture thickens for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. if you don't have a mixer, you can add ingredients to the bottle and shake until the texture thickens. pour milk, hot or cold, until after the glass. add 1

Last Update: 2022-05-19
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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