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ia agak bodoh



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ia agak mahal


it's quite expensive

Last Update: 2024-03-31
Usage Frequency: 1


ia agak membimbangkan kerana mereka masing masing mempunyai sikap aggresif


it is quite alarming because each has an aggressive attitude

Last Update: 2020-11-05
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


perak adalah satu lagi warna mewah klasik yang sering dipasangkan dengan emas. ia agak lebih moden dan anggun daripada emas, dan ia boleh digunakan untuk mencipta rupa yang lebih kontemporari di dapur.


silver is another classic luxury color that is often paired with gold. it is a bit more modern and sleek than gold, and it can be used to create a more contemporary look in the kitchen.

Last Update: 2023-07-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


perbincangan bersemuka dengan pegawai yang terlibat kita telah nyatakan bahawa product 8866 ini selamat digunakan memandangkan glue yang bogcor tidak tercemar kerana platik masih terikat cuma ia agak longgar yang mengakibatkan gum bocor. perkara ini disaksikan oleh pegawai yang bertugas antaranya


face-to-face discussions with the officers involved we have stated that this product 8866 is safe to use as the bogcor glue is not contaminated because the platic is still tied only it is quite loose which causes the gum to leak. this is witnessed by the officers on duty among them

Last Update: 2023-08-23
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


berdasarkan carta pai di atas menunjukkan analisa kesedaran masyarakat sekeliling terhadap tempat rekreasi di sekitar kawasan mereka. analisis menunjukkan peratus pengunjung yang menjawab ya terhadap terdapatnya tempat rekreasi di sekitar mereka sebanyak 73% manakala yang menjawab tidak sebanyak 27%. daripada analisis ini dapat disimpulkan rata rata pengunjung atau masyarakat menyedari tentang kewujudan kawasan rekreasi ini walaupun ia agak tersorok. namun tidak dinafikan lagi kawasan ini merupa


based on the pie chart above shows the analysis of the awareness of the surrounding community towards the recreational places around their area. the analysis showed that the percentage of visitors who answered yes to the presence of recreational places around them was 73% while those who answered no were 27%. from this analysis it can be concluded that the average visitor or community is aware of the existence of this recreational area even though it is somewhat hidden. but there is no denying that this area is similar

Last Update: 2021-11-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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