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konsep kejiranan dalam islam



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konsep kejiranan dalam masyarakat islam


neighborhood concept in islamic society

Last Update: 2016-06-22
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


perceraian dalam islam


divorce in islam

Last Update: 2015-06-07
Usage Frequency: 43

Reference: Wikipedia


saudara baru dalam islam


u will be a new brother in islam

Last Update: 2015-07-28
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


maksud marzennama nama dalam islam



Last Update: 2023-01-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


dalam islam berdosa jika org lain lihat rambut wanita


it's just a parable.

Last Update: 2022-09-28
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


menyedari tentang dunia semakin diakhir zaman dan amalan yang dituntut dalam islam perlu diperbanyakkan


realizing about the world is nearing the end of time and the practices demanded in islam need to be multiplied

Last Update: 2024-04-17
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous


hukuman dalam islam juga, katanya, bersifat mendidik, bukan untuk menghukum semata-mata


islamic legislation itself is inclusive and progressive in nature that corresponds to the circulation of the past. this is because the principles are inclusive of all peoples and groups of society both muslims and non-muslims.

Last Update: 2022-11-29
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


islam menganjurkan kesederhanaan atau wasatiyyah dalam semua aspek kehidupan dalam islam. terangkan dengan butiran dan contoh.


islam advocates moderation or wasatiyyah in all aspects of life in islam. explain with details and examples.

Last Update: 2021-11-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


dalam islam, etika mengawal semua aspek kehidupan. nabi muhammad saw bersabda: “tidaklah aku diutus melainkan untuk menyempurnakan sistem etika


in islam, ethics governs all aspects of life. prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "i have not been sent except to perfect the ethical system

Last Update: 2021-11-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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dalam islam, konteks pergaulan adalah cukup luas dan mencakupi segenap aktiviti harian kita seperti dalam urusan jual beli, kerja,belajar,perubatan,penyaksian di mahkamah dan sebagainya.


in islam, the context of association is quite broad and covers all our daily activities such as in buying and selling, work,study,medicine,witnessing in court and so on.

Last Update: 2022-11-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


perniagaan atau pelaburan dalam islam mestilah bersih daripada unsur-unsur kezaliman, penipuan, penindasan dan menjurus kepada sesuatu perkara yang dilarang oleh islam. sabda nabi saw:


a ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that involves an unusually large return (profit) to the investor from money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from the net income generated from any real business. this scam system is the system used by the majority of get rich quick schemes. the nature of the ponzi system, it will not last long and just wait for the time for the scammer to run away with the money of the victim of the deceived victim.

Last Update: 2021-05-20
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


turki merupakan negara yang penuh dengan sejarah sejarah yang terpenting dalam islam. bukan itu sahaja, negara itu juga merupakan negara yang sangat cantik dan menarik untuk diterokai bersama kerana di sana kita boleh lihat pelbagai keunikan dan keindahan dari segi budaya, makanan dan bangunan bangun yang lama


turkey is a country full of the most important historical history in islam. not only that, the country is also a very beautiful and interesting country to explore together because there we can see all sorts of uniqueness and beauty in terms of culture, food and old buildings

Last Update: 2021-12-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


.pengusaha hotel patuh syariah perlu mempelajari dan memahami bagaimana pengurusan yang dianjurkan dalam islam yang patut dijalankan dalam industri perhotelan. para pengguna juga mesti memainkan peranan mereka supaya memilih hotel yang diurus oleh muslim supaya tiada keraguan terutamanya dari segi pemakanan halal dan kemudahan yang disediakan oleh pihak pengurusan hotel.


.sharia-compliant hotel businessmen need to learn and understand how organized management in islam should be carried out in the hospitality industry. consumers must also play their part in choosing hotels managed by muslims so that there are no doubts, especially in terms of halal food and facilities provided by hotel management.

Last Update: 2022-06-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


penglibatan dalam pelaburan pasaran moden seperti forex juga antara menyumbang kepada kemuflisan. kadar pertukaran nilai mata wang yang berbeza menyebabkan golongan yang kurang pengetahuan dalam forex ini mudah mengalami kerugian. justeru dalam islam tidak digalakkan bermain forex kerana hukumnya ialah syubhah yakini kesamaran kerana tidak jelas hukumnya antara halal atau haram. akan tetapi apa yang menariknya forex ini menawarkan pelaburan kadar rendah tetapi


involvement in modern market investments such as forex also contributes to the insolvency different currency exchange rates make it easy for people who lack knowledge in forex to experience losses. therefore in islam it is not advisable to play forex because the law is that the shubhah believes in disguise because it is not clear whether the law is halal or haram. however, what is interesting is that this forex offers low investment rates but

Last Update: 2023-06-02
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


, konsep halal haram bukan sahaja terhad perihal larangan dalam islam seperti najis, skop pemakanan, penyembelihan haiwan dan transaksi perniagaan sahaja bahkan juga telah menjadi konsep yang universal dan melibatkan keseluruhan aspek. selain itu, pandangan azmawani abd rahman menghuraikan bahawa aspek halal adalah menyeluruh serta tidak terhad terhadap makanan halal sahaja bahkan turut meliputi aspek komersial halal lain seperti barang gunaan, kosmetik dan dandanan diri, farmaseutikal serta per


, the concept of halal haram is not only limited to prohibitions in islam such as faeces, scope of nutrition, animal slaughter and business transactions only but has also become a universal concept and involves all aspects. apart from that, azmawani abd rahman explained that the halal aspect is comprehensive and not limited to halal food only but also covers other halal commercial aspects such as consumer goods, cosmetics and toiletries, pharmaceuticals and per

Last Update: 2022-01-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ekonomi merupakan salah satu aset berharga bagi sesebuah negara. oleh itu, adalah penting bagi setiap rakyatnya mendalami ilmu tentang ekonomi. melalui pengetahuan tentang ekonomi islam ini, kita akan dapat mengetahui jenis jenis kegiatan ekonomi yang biasa dijalankan dalam islam. selain itu, kita juga dapat menyelesaikan masalah ekonomi yang melanda negara sekiranya setiap rakyat ini menyedari tanggungjawab masing masing


the economy is one of the most valuable assets of a country. therefore, it is important for every citizen to learn about economics. through this knowledge of islamic economics, we will be able to find out what kind of economic activity is commonly carried out in islam. besides that, we can also solve the economic problems that plague the country if each of these citizens realizes their responsibilities

Last Update: 2021-12-15
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ghulul (penggelapan) harta juga merupakan satu larangan dalam islam. menurut al nasafi, seseorang individu boleh dikatakn ghulul sekiranya dia mengambil sesuatu secara sembunyi sembunyi (‘abd allah bin ahmad, tafsir al nasafi, h.191). ringkasnya, segala perbuatan yang melibatkan penyimpangan harta seperti rasuah, mencuri, memanipulasi dan penyelewangan wang adalah termasuk dalam kategori perbuatan ghulul


ghulul (embezzlement) of property is also a prohibition in islam. according to al nasafi, an individual can be said to be a ghulul if he takes something secretly ('abd allah bin ahmad, tafsir al nasafi, p.191). in short, all acts involving misappropriation of property such as bribery, theft, manipulation and embezzlement of money are included in the category of acts of ghulul.

Last Update: 2021-12-28
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous

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