Results for namakan organ organ pernafasan manusia translation from Malay to English

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namakan organ organ pernafasan manusia



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organ pernafasan haiwan


bilingual dictionary

Last Update: 2014-08-03
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


melalui mikroskop elektron pemindahan, partikel sars-cov-2 telah ditemui dalam bahagian paling nipis epitelium saluran pernafasan manusia.


through transmission electron microscopy, sars-cov-2 particles were found in ultrathin sections of human airway epithelium.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


sistem rangka manusia merupakan rangkaian tulang tulang dan organ organ yang berfungsi menompang tegak tubuh badan dan melindungi organ penting dalam tubih badan sisitem rangka manusia juga berfungsi mempertahankan bobot badan membentuk tubuh tempat menyimpan nutrisi tenaga kimia memproduksi sel darah merah dan tempat melekatnya otot otot tubuh


the human skeletal system is a set of bones and organs that function to balance the body and protect the vital organs of the human skeletal muscle. it also serves to maintain the body's weight by providing chemical nutrients to produce red blood cells and to attach them to the muscle. bones develoment and growth that provided by osteogenesia ossification intramembranous and ossification and endochondral ossificationto grow

Last Update: 2020-06-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


aktiviti ketiga ialah aktiviti yang melibatkan teknologi di mana murid-murid akan meneroka dunia digital iaitu pengembaraan maze sains untuk mempelajari tentang organ pernafasan dan laluan udara semasa bernafas. aktiviti ini menggunakan model pemprosesan maklumat adalah model di mana kita menggunakan aliran dan sistem yang sama seperti komputer untuk memproses sebarang maklumat yang diberikan dari awal iaitu penerimaan maklumat sehingga akhir iaitu pengekalan maklumat jangka panjang. st


the third activity is an activity that involve technology where the pupils will explore the digital world which is the science maze adventure to learn about the breathing organs and the passage of air during breathing. this activity is using the information processing model is a model where we use the same flow and system as a computer to process any information that is given from the start which is the receiving of the information to the end which is the long term information retention. this st

Last Update: 2021-12-03
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


zat besi merupakan salah satu nutrisi yang vital bagi tubuh. salah satunya adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi sel darah merah. fungsi sel darah merah sendiri adalah untuk menyalurkan oksigen dan protein ke seluruh tubuh, dua hal yang bila organ organ kita kekurangan (misalnya otak dan jantung) maka bisa berakibat fatal. selain mengonsumsi makanan yang memang mengandung zat besi tinggi, misalnya sayur sayuran dan daging merah, tidak ada salahnya menambah asupan zat besi dari susu milo.


iron is one of the vital nutrients for the body. one is to increase red blood cell production. the function of red blood cells is to deliver oxygen and protein to the whole body, two things that our organs lack (such as the brain and heart) can be fatal. in addition to consuming foods that are high in iron, such as vegetables and red meat, it is safe to add iron intake from milo milk.

Last Update: 2019-12-02
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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