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na sequ



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na sequ€ncia dessa an6lise,o relator poderii apresentar alteragdes de compromisso.


the rapportetr may tablecompromise amendments following such discussion.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


os novos alimentos abrangidos pelo regulamento poder o ser colocados no mercado exclusivamente na sequ ncia de um processo de avalia o estabelecido no regulamento.


novel foods falling within the scope can only be placed on the market following an evaluation process established in the regulation.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


b. continua o da coopera o com a r ssia no desenvolvimento do modelo de seguran a para o s culo xxi, na sequ ncia da cimeira de lisboa.


b. continued cooperation with russia in the development of the security model for the 21st century following the lisbon summit.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


disposi es em mat ria de coopera o com a ucr nia no mbito do posterior desenvolvimento do modelo de seguran a para o s culo xxi na sequ ncia da cimeira de lisboa;


arrangements for cooperation with ukraine in the further development of the security model for the 21st century following the lisbon summit;

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


na sequ ncia da aprova o, pelo parlamento europeu, das suas posi es comuns, o conselho adoptou definitivamente as tr s directivas e a decis o que se seguem:


following approval of its common positions by the european parliament, the council finally adopted the following three directives and one decision:

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


o conselho discutiu, com base num compromisso da presid ncia, os problemas pendentes no que respeita ao futuro regime comercial para os ptu at fevereiro de 2000, na sequ ncia da revis o intercalar da decis o de 1991.


the council discussed, on the basis of a presidency compromise, the outstanding problems regarding the future trade regime for the octs up to february 2000, following the mid-term review of the 1991 decision.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


a nova poltica integrada da ue para o Ártico surge na sequ surge na sequncia desse pedido e pretende dinamizar o perfil da ue na regio, tomando como base uma srie de atividades e decises da unio que j se fazem sentir na regio, no seguimento da comunicao de 2008 e do balano e atualizao das atividades em 2012.


the new, integrated eu policy for the arctic stems from that request and is to further bolster the eu's profile in the arctic, building on a number of existing eu activities and decisions that already have an impact on the region following the 2008 policy communication and an update and overview of activities in 2012.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


o regulamento aumenta igualmente a disponibilidade comunit ria de bacalhau no mar b ltico (zona ciem iii b, c, d), na sequ ncia de consultas entre a comunidade e a pol nia.


the amendment also increases the community availability of cod in the baltic sea (ices division iiib,c,d), following consultations between the community and poland.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


2.3' se, na sequ€ncia do procedimento previsto no ponto 2.2. supra, o desacordo persistir,o presidente do parlamentoetuopeu, a pedido frurdamentado da comissflo competente, convidarf a


if, at the end of the procedure referred to in point 2.2. above, no agreement has been reached,the president of the european parliament, in response to a reasoned request from the relevant parliamentary committee, shall call on the commission to forward, within tire appropriate deadline duly indicated,the confidential information in question, selecting the arrangements-from among the options laid down in point 3 below.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

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