Results for goljufije z moneto translation from Slovenian to English

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goljufije z moneto



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povzročila nove goljufije z enostavno spremembo v načinu proizvodnje in vsebnosti alkohola;


lead to new kinds of fraud, accomplished merely by changing the method of manufacturing a product and its alcohol content;

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


nemčija je mejne policijske uradnike usposabljala za hitro odkrivanje goljufije z dokumenti, svetovalce za dokumente pa za izboljšanje njihovih komunikacijskih sposobnosti in medkulturnih kompetenc;


germany trained border police officers in the quick detection of document fraud as well as educating document advisors furthering their competences in communication and intercultural relations.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


zlasti zaskrbljujoče so goljufije z ddv, tako imenovani davčni vrtiljak, resne težave pa povzročajo tudi tihotapljenje in ponarejanje alkoholnih in tobačnih izdelkov ter goljufije na področju neposredne obdavčitve.


so-called vat carousel fraud is one of the biggest problems, but smuggling and counterfeiting of alcohol and tobacco, and fraud involving direct taxation are equally serious issues.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


francija je usposabljanju namenila ukrepe v vseh treh programih, in sicer je izobraževala osebje na mejnih prehodih glede identifikacije ponarejenih potnih listin in glede uporabe tehnične opreme za odkrivanje goljufije z dokumenti.


france dedicated measures to training across all three programmes, educating personnel at border crossing points in identifying falsified travel documents and in the use of technical equipment for the detection of document fraud.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


ker obstaja nevarnost goljufije z nadomeščanjem alkohola, je treba okrepiti preglede končne destinacije alkohola in omogočiti intervencijskim organom, da prosijo za pomoč mednarodne nadzorne organe in opravijo pregled prodanega alkohola z analizo nuklearne magnetne resonance.


given that there are risks of fraud by substitution of alcohol, checks on the final destination of the alcohol should be reinforced and the intervention agencies should be allowed to call on the help of international control agencies and to check the alcohol sold by means of nuclear magnetic resonance analyses.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 1


ta strategija mora imeti notranjo razsežnost, lotiti se mora problemov, ki jih povzročajo goljufije z ddv in posebnimi davki, ter vprašanj izogibanja davkom v smislu neposredne obdavčitve, pa tudi zunanjo razsežnost z zagovarjanjem gospodarske teže evropske unije.


this strategy must have an internal dimension, tackling problems posed by fraud in vat and special taxes, and also tax evasion issues in terms of direct taxation, as well as an external dimension, by asserting the economic weight of the european union.

Last Update: 2012-02-28
Usage Frequency: 2


nedavne študije so pokazale, da je bilo leta 2006 v evropski uniji 500.000 podjetij vpletenih v goljufije z negotovinskimi plačili, ki so obsegale 10 milijonov goljufivih transakcij in povzročile škodo v višini okoli 1 milijarde eur, kar je skoraj dvakrat toliko kot leta 2005.


recent studies have shown that 500 000 businesses were involved in non-cash payment fraud in the european union in 2006, in respect of 10 million fraudulent transactions, leading to the loss of around eur 1 billion – almost twice the 2005 figure.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


njene velike pomanjkljivosti so bile preučene v poročilu ad hoc delovne skupine sveta za davčne goljufije z dne 22. maja 2000 ter nedavno v sporočilu komisije o preprečevanju in boju proti korporacijski in finančni zlorabi z dne 27. septembra 2004 in v sporočilu komisije o potrebi po razvoju usklajene strategije za izboljšanje boja proti davčnim goljufijam z dne 31. maja 2006.


its deep weaknesses have been looked into by the ad hoc council working party on tax fraud in its report of 22 may 2000 and more recently by the commission communication on preventing and combating corporate and financial malpractice of 27 september 2004 and the commission communication concerning the need to develop a coordinated strategy to improve the fight against fiscal fraud of 31 may 2006.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 1


ocenjujejo, da v evropi korupcija davkoplačevalce eu stane približno 120 milijard eur letno (goljufije z javnim denarjem eu so izvzete), kar je skoraj toliko, kot znaša celoten letni proračun eu, ki je en odstotek bdp eu.


corruption in europe is estimated to cost the eu's taxpayers approximately eur 120 billion per year (excluding fraud of eu public money) which almost equals the eu's overall annual budget, representing one percent of the eu’s gdp.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


tako je sodi�če v zadevi optigen ugotovilo, da na pravico davčnega zavezanca, ki izvaja transakcije, ki same niso del goljufije z ddv, da odbije vstopni ddv, ne sme vplivati okoli�čina, da je v verigi dobav, katere del so te transakcije, ne da bi bili ti davčni zavezanci o tem seznanjeni oziroma bi ne da bi to mogli vedeti, druga transakcija, izvr�ena pred to ali po njej, del goljufije z ddv.


thus, in optigen and others, the court found that the right to deduct input vat of a taxable person who carries out transactions which are not themselves vitiated by vat fraud cannot be affected by the fact that in the chain of supply of which those transactions form part another prior or subsequent transaction is vitiated by vat fraud, without that taxable person knowing or having any means of knowing that fraud had taken place.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

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