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prva ustreza kolektivnemu sindikalnemu sodelovanju, ki je ponekod institucionalizirano.


in iceland, teachers are also intensively involved in policies concerned with curricular content.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


zato okoli�čina, da se kolektivnemu naložbenemu podjemu zmanj�a nadomestilo


consequently, the fact that a fiscal investment enterprise is subjected to a

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


zainteresirane strani niso izpodbijale področja uporabe za različne pristope h kolektivnemu upravljanju pravic.


stakeholders did not question the scope for different approaches to collective rights management.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


ker bo takšna uskladitev kolektivnemu naložbenemu podjemu v eni državi članici olajšala trženje enot premoženja v drugih državah članicah;


whereas such coordination will make it easier for a collective investment undertaking situated in one member state to market its units in other member states;

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 3


podjetja lahko prispevajo h kolektivnemu osveščanju s svojimi znamkami, kakovostjo itd.25 lahko bi tudi natančneje obveščali potrošnike o izvoru izdelkov.


companies can become involved in this awareness campaign through labelling (social, quality, etc.).34 they could also provide consumers with more accurate information on the origin of their products."

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 2

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nadomestilo, ki se iz naslova davkov, odtegnjenih pri viru v drugi državi članici, odobri kolektivnemu naložbenemu podjemu, kate-


the concession for deductions at source made in another member state which is granted to a fiscal investment enterprise all of the shareholders of which

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


Žal bodo evropske vlade - kot dobri evropejci - sledile katastrofalnemu stališču eu v odnosu do rusije in ne svojem lastnemu kolektivnemu nacionalnemu interesu.


unfortunately, european governments - as good europeans - will choose to follow the eu's disastrous position towards russia, rather than their own collective national interest.

Last Update: 2012-02-28
Usage Frequency: 2


zadevna pravica vključuje možnost, da se vse ali del spletnih pravic zaupa drugemu kolektivnemu upravljavcu pravic ali se jih nanj prenese ne glede na državo članico stalnega prebivališča ali državljanstvo kolektivnega upravljavca pravic ali imetnika pravic.


that right implies the possibility to entrust or transfer all or a part of the online rights to another collective rights manager irrespective of the member state of residence or the nationality of either the collective rights manager or the rights-holder.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 1


evropska unija ponovno potrjuje svojo zavezanost kolektivnemu ukrepanju eu pri spodbujanju človekovih pravic in pristopov, ki temeljijo na varovanju pravic, v boju proti virusu hiv/aidsu.


the european union reaffirms its commitment to eu collective action to promote human rights and rights-based approaches to address hiv/aids.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


zaposleni s polnim delovnim časom so tisti, ki imajo redne delovne ure enake kolektivnemu dogovoru ali običajnim uram, opravljenim v obravnavani lokalni enoti, čeprav je njihova pogodba sklenjena za manj kot eno leto.


full-time employees are those whose regular working hours are the same as the collectively agreed or customary hours worked in the local unit under consideration, even if their contract is for less than one year.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


dobiček, ki ga kolektivnemu naložbenemu podjemu izplačajo družbe s sedežem v nemčiji in na portugalskem, je torej del dobička, ki se na nizozemskem obdavči ob razdelitvi delničarjem tega podjema z davkom, ki ga pri viru odtegne ta podjem.


the profits distributed to a fiscal investment enterprise by companies established in germany and portugal therefore form part of the profits taxed in the netherlands on their distribution to the shareholders of that enterprise by means of deduction at source by the latter.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


iz tega sledi, da – kadar večja davčna obremenitev dividend, ki jih družbe s sedežem v nemčiji in na portugalskem razdelijo kolektivnemu naložbenemu podjemu s sedežem na nizozemskem, ki ima davčni značaj, v primerjavi z davčno obremenitvijo dividend, ki jih istemu podjemu razdelijo družbe, ki imajo prav tako sedež v tej zadnji državi članici, ni posledica različnega obravnavanja, ki izhaja iz davčne ureditve te države, temveč odločitve zvezne republike nemčije in portugalske republike, da za te dividende uporabita odtegljaj pri viru, in odločitve kraljevine nizozemske, da ne obdavči teh dividend, – dejstvo, da slednja država članica ne določi nadomestila za odtegljaj pri viru, ki ga določita prvi državi članici, ne pomeni omejitve prostega pretoka kapitala.


it follows that, in a situation where the greater tax burden imposed on dividends distributed by companies established in germany or portugal to a fiscal investment enterprise established in the netherlands than that which is imposed on dividends distributed to that same enterprise by companies also established in the netherlands does not arise as a result of a difference in treatment attributable to the tax regime in the netherlands, but stems from the decision of the federal republic of germany and the portuguese republic to make a deduction at source from those dividends, and from the decision of the kingdom of the netherlands not to tax those dividends, the fact that the latter member state has not granted a concession in respect of the deduction at source for which the first two states have opted does not constitute a restriction on the free movement of capital.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

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