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Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)



Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)

打开处理器插座手柄(见图 7),参照处理器和插座的第一针标记对准处理器。 <PROTECTED> 封装插入物上的处理器第一针标记应该对准插座上的第一针标记。 集成式导热器上的标记不应该用于安装时的对准。 将处理器插入插座并合上插座手柄。 关键步骤: 使用盒装处理器盒子里提供的热量接口材料涂器把所有的热量接口材料加到处理器的集成式导热器中央(见图 8)。 把散热器放置在插座和固定架部件的中央,使散热器基座压在处理器的集成式导热器表面的热量接口材料上。 下一步,把两个扣具安装到散热器和固定架上。 要完成这一步,首先把中央舌片装到固定架和散热器上。 然后,把扣具的一边按进固定器接口舌片的同时,把扣具的另一边推下到对称的固定架舌片里。 可能需要一个平头螺丝刀来完成夹扣安装(见图 9)。 两个扣具都安装后,请确认散热器已经被安全地固定,并且扣具正确地扣住了固定架。 确保盒装处理器风扇散热器正确插入系统主板风扇电源头。 查阅系统主板手册并找到正确的风扇头。


open the processor socket handle (see figure 7) and align the processor using the pin one markings on the processor and socket for reference. the processor pin one marking on the interposer of the <PROTECTED> package should be aligned with pin one mark on the socket. markings on the integrated heat spreader should not be used for installation alignment. insert the processor into the socket and close the socket handle. critical step: use the thermal interface material applicator provided in the boxed processor box to apply all of the thermal interface material to the center of the processor's integrated heat spreader (see figure 8). center the fan heatsink over the socket and retention mechanism assembly and allow the heatsink base to compress the thermal interface material over the surface of the processor's integrated heat spreader. next, install the two clips onto the heatsink and retention mechanisms. to do this, first attach the center tab on the retention mechanism and heatsink. second, while holding one side of the clip down over the retention mechanism interface tab, push the other side of the clip down over the symmetric retention mechanism tab. it may be necessary to use a flat head screwdriver to complete the clip installation (see figure 9). once both clips are installed, verify that the heatsink is securely retained and that the clips are properly engaged with the retention mechanisms. be sure to plug in the boxed processor fan heatsink to the system board fan power header. consult the system board manual to determine the correct fan header to use.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2007-01-15
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung

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