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youngest brother



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Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)



Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)




Letzte Aktualisierung: 2013-07-08
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)

youngest son


youngest son

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-12-19
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)

tribal for memory of brother


i draw breathe

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-08-15
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)

brother in arms earned in blood* 游戏崩溃


brother in arms earned in blood* game crashes

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2007-01-11
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)

moetai charles brother son,faa'a第三副市长


moetai charles brotherson, third deputy mayor of faa'a

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-12-04
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)

how are you uncle and brother? did you eat lunch already?


how are you uncle and pho shun?did you eat lunch?

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-06-16
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2

Referenz: Anonym

Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)

juan cervantes paulino, his brother marcos, and martn garca salvador, natives


juan cervantes paulino, his brother marcos, and martín garcía salvador, natives

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-12-04
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym

Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)

###洛杉矶、新泽西州basking ridge 和圣迭戈 - 17-08-2007 - big brother第8季的参赛者虽然不能离开房间,但该节目的爱好者不论身处何处,都可以收看到本季最后四周节目的实况。cbs mobile、 verizon wireless和高通公司(nasdaq:qcom)的全资子公司mediaflo™ usa inc.共同合作为big brother第8季开辟了一个新的频道,这意味着黄金时段的节目将在第一时间内通过全美的手机进行直播和连播。 从2007年8月19日开始到9月18日本季的最后一集,该频道将24/7全天候实时播放big brother房间里的活动情况(注: 节目安排可能会有所变动)。big brother频道服务将会播放总共数百小时的实况节目,而v cast手机电视的订阅观众无需支付额外费用。 "能够为big brother和数字技术的爱好者们提供24/7全天候与电视节目保持紧密联系的新途径,我们感到激动无比。"cbs mobile的执行副总裁cyriac roeding说, "cbs mobile的使命就是不断创新,力求带来真正的移动体验。big brother频道既是美国境内的首创,也是最具移动性的娱乐体验 - 它使您可以24/7全天候地通过手机了解big brother参赛者的情况。" verizon wireless节目部副总裁ryan hughes表示,"凭借cbs的big brother第8季,verizon wireless实践了我们的承诺,即在手机上提供最具吸引力的特色节目。" "big brother第8季受到了观众的热烈追捧,我们非常高兴能够24/7全天候地帮助广大节目爱好者们随时随地以自己的方式关注big brother。"mediaflo usa负责电视节目的副总裁mike bailey说, "只有mediaflo usa的flo tv™服务才能提供如此富有新意的节目。" 自从今年夏季第一集开始,big brother第8季就一直通过多种平台,包括在线、电话、showtime networks, 当然还有cbs television networkhas向广大观众献上节目。除了新开辟的24/7全天候手机频道以外, 移动服务的方式还包括:下载、特别视频短片、照片、房间突发情况提醒以及内部人士的当天总结,这些都可以直接发送至手机上。除了新频道, 用户还可以通过cbs mobile频道观看所有big brother第8季剧集。 专门开辟的big brother第8季频道将做为cbs mobile正常节目安排的补充,cbs mobile是flo tv提供的八项常规服务之一,该项服务是通过verizon wireless的v cast手机电视向用户播送的。其他服务包括comedy central、espn mobile、福克斯移动、mtv音乐电视、nbc2go、nbc news2go和nickelodeon儿童频道。 v cast手机电视的服务覆盖在美国的30多个市场,包括亚特兰大、芝加哥、拉斯维加斯、洛杉矶、纽约和费城等城市。 若要获取可用市场的完整列表和地图,请访问。 有关flo tv的更多信息,请访问。 big brother第8季是在一间安装了多个摄像机和麦克风的房间里,全天24小时记录参赛者的一举一动, 并追踪观察人与人之间的关系和冲突的一档节目。参赛者们将以投票的方式一个接一个的将其他人驱逐出房间。三个月后, 最终留下来的参赛者将获得巨额奖金。big brother第8季由艾美奖得主allison grodner和rich meehan与endemol u.s.a联合监督制作。 为了保证big brother第8季的节目效果,cbs可能会在移动频道上封锁或延迟播放一定数量的房间实况事件。 cbs公司(nyse: cbs.a和cbs)是一家大众媒体公司,其部分业务属于传统的广播行业,也有引领媒体行业前沿的新业务。 该公司以多种多样的经营方式将对外扩展业务与巩固本国业务很好地结合起来,使其形成了一个广阔的分布网络, 并通过该网络向全美50个州以及主要国际市场的观众和广告商提供服务。公司的业务涉及媒体和娱乐行业的几乎所有领域,包括广播电视 (cbs和cw - cbs公司与华纳兄弟 娱乐公司的合资公司)、有线电视(showtime和cstv networks)、 本地电视(cbs television stations)、电视节目制作和联播(cbs paramount network television和cbs television distribution group)、电台(cbs radio)、户外媒体广告 (cbs outdoor)、出版(simon & schuster)、数字媒体(cbs interactive和cstv networks)、音乐(cbs records)以及大众消费品(cbs consumer products)。有关详细信息, 请登录。 verizon wireless经营着美国最可靠的无线语音和数据网络,为6210万用户提供服务。从收益的角度来说,verizon wireless是美国最大的无线公司和最大的无线数据提供商,其总部位于新泽西州的basking ridge, 在全美共有员工67,000人。该公司是verizon communications(nyse: vz)与vodafone (nyse和lse: vod)的合资公司。欲了解详情,请访问。要预览和申请verizon wireless提供的广播级视频演示和高分辨率静态图像,请登录verizon wireless多媒体资源库,网址是:。 mediaflo usa inc.为移动用户显示出电视的威力,它将最好的内容、直观的用户界面和一流的多播网络结合起来, 以提供真正的电视体验。荣膺大奖的mediaflo usa移动娱乐服务(名为flo tv) 提供了来自全球最知名的娱乐品牌的全长同步直播和时差节目,这些娱乐品牌包括cbs移动、comedy central、espn移动电视、 福克斯移动、mtv音乐电视、nbc2go、nbc news2go和nickelodeon儿童频道。 tv服务还将播出视频短片以及实时的信息和娱乐服务。mediaflo usa是高通公司的全资子公司,其总部在加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥。 如欲了解更多信息,请访问。 ###


###los angeles, basking ridge, n.j. and san diego - 17-08-2007 - contestants on big brother 8 in the us may be housebound, but fans of the hit tv show can follow the drama of this season's final four weeks live, wherever they are. marking the first time content from a primetime television show has aired live and continuously on mobile handsets in the u.s., cbs mobile, verizon wireless and mediaflo™ usa inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of qualcomm incorporated (nasdaq: qcom), have teamed up to provide a new channel dedicated to big brother 8. the channel will air a real-time, 24/7 feed of the activity inside the big brother house from 19 august until the season finale on 18 sept. 2007 (note: programming is subject to change). in total, hundreds of hours of live programming will air on the big brother service, which is available at no additional charge to v cast mobile tv subscribers. "we are thrilled to provide big brother's passionate and digitally savvy fans with yet another way to keep connected to the show 24/7," said cyriac roeding, executive vice president, cbs mobile. "cbs mobile is about innovation and creating truly made-for-mobile experiences. this big brother channel is both - a first in the u.s. and the most mobile entertainment possible - allowing you to 'live' with the big brother houseguests on your phone 24/7." ryan hughes, vice president of programming, verizon wireless, noted, "with big brother 8 from cbs, verizon wireless demonstrates our commitment to deliver the most compelling, exclusive programming available on mobile handsets." "big brother 8 enjoys an avid following, and we are excited to provide fans with 24/7 access to the big brother house on their own terms - wherever they are and whenever they want," said mike bailey, vice president of programming, mediaflo usa. "this is a great example of the innovative programming opportunities only mediaflo usa's flo tv™ service can provide." since its premiere earlier this summer, big brother 8 has been available to fans on multiple platforms including online, on the phone, on showtime networks and, of course, on the cbs television network. mobile offerings available in addition to the new 24/7 mobile tv channel include downloads, special video clips, photos, live breaking house alerts and daily insider summaries sent straight to mobile phones. in addition to this new channel, subscribers are able to view full episodes of big brother 8 on the cbs mobile channel. the dedicated big brother 8 channel will supplement regular programming from cbs mobile, one of the eight regular services available on flo tv, which is available to consumers on v cast mobile tv from verizon wireless. other services include comedy central, espn mobile, fox mobile, mtv: music television, nbc 2go, nbc news2go and nickelodeon. v cast mobile tv is live in more than 30 markets from coast to coast, including atlanta, chicago, las vegas, los angeles, new york and philadelphia. for a complete list and map of available markets, please visit more information on flo tv can be found at big brother 8 follows the relationships and conflicts of players who live together in a house outfitted with dozens of cameras and microphones recording their every move 24 hours a day. one by one, housemates will vote each other out of the house. at the end of three months, the last remaining housemate will receive the grand prize. big brother 8 is executive produced by emmy award winner allison grodner and rich meehan, in association with endemol u.s.a. to preserve the drama for big brother 8 television viewers, cbs may block or delay the mobilecast for a limited number of real-time events that transpire in the house. cbs corporation (nyse: cbs.a and cbs) is a mass media company with constituent parts that reach back to the beginnings of the broadcast industry, as well as newer businesses that operate on the leading edge of the media industry. the company, through its many and varied operations, combines broad reach with well-positioned local businesses, all of which provide it with an extensive distribution network by which it serves audiences and advertisers in all 50 states and key international markets. it has operations in virtually every field of media and entertainment, including broadcast television (cbs and the cw - a joint venture between cbs corporation and warner bros. entertainment), cable television (showtime and cstv networks), local television (cbs television stations), television production and syndication (cbs paramount network television and cbs television distribution), radio (cbs radio), advertising on out-of-home media (cbs outdoor), publishing (simon & schuster), interactive media (cbs interactive), music (cbs records), licensing and merchandising (cbs consumer products), video/dvd (cbs home entertainment) and motion pictures (cbs feature films). for more information, log on to verizon wireless operates the usa's most reliable wireless voice and data network, serving 62.1 million customers. the largest us wireless company and largest wireless data provider, based on revenues, verizon wireless is headquartered in basking ridge, n.j., with 67,000 employees nationwide. the company is a joint venture of verizon communications (nyse: vz) and vodafone (nyse and lse: vod). find more information on the web at to preview and request broadcast-quality video footage and high-resolution stills of verizon wireless operations, log on to the verizon wireless multimedia library at mediaflo usa inc. unleashes the power of tv for mobile consumers, combining the best content, an intuitive user interface and a superior multicast network to deliver a true tv experience. the award-winning mediaflo usa mobile entertainment service, called flo tv, offers full-length simulcast and time-shifted programming from the world's best entertainment brands, including cbs mobile, comedy central, espn mobile tv, fox mobile, mtv: music television, nbc2go, nbc news2go and nickelodeon. the flo tv service will also deliver short-format clips and real-time information and entertainment services. based in san diego, calif., mediaflo usa is a wholly owned subsidiary of qualcomm incorporated. further information is available at ###

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-03-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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