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andre man



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der er i sandhed andre, man også gerne så fjernet!


there are certainly other regimes that we would like to see overturned!

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2012-03-22
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 5


dengang tog man det imidlertid meget let i denne branche, såvel som i andre, man undgik meget ofte ubekvemme forholdsregler ved at man strakte hånden ud efter offentlig hjælp.


as we know, this can only be achieved if the council of ministers is convinced of the need for a european strategy in this field, which would apply to prices, structural reforms and a consistent commercial policy, and if the temptation for each of us to act alone is eliminated once and for all.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


som allerede påpeget af andre: man skal være ambitiøs og satse på dristige teknologiske projekter med ægte social og politisk værdi (dosi et al, 2005) 58.


as others have said: "build ambitious, technologically daring missions justifiable for their intrinsic social and political value" (dosi et al, 2005)58.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2017-04-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2

Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung


’online-forum for god praksis’ giverbrugerne mulighed for at diskuterespørgsmål vedrørende arbejdsbetingetstress med andre – man kan udveksleløsningsforslag, sammenligneerfaringer og diskutere problemer.


the good practice online forum gives users the opportunity to discuss wrs issues with others – they can share solutions, compare experiences and discuss problems.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


hvis der mangler midler på vigtige områ der, er der jo en mulighed for at flytte fra nogle områ der til andre, man anser for at være vigtige denne metode foreslog jeg under førstebehandlingen, men vi var alt for få, der ville bruge metoden.


if resources are lacking in important areas, there is after all the possibility of transferring money from particular areas to others which are considered to be important. i proposed this method during the first reading, but too few were' in favour of applying it.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


endelig er der andre borgere i den europæiske union, der bevæger sig i fællesskabet for at uddanne sig selv eller andre. man bør søge at finde ud af, om de ikke vil kunne betragtes som arbejdstagere i medfør af artikel 48 i ef-traktaten.


for the other citizens of the european union moving within the community for the purposes of obtaining or providing training, it is worth considering whether they could be regarded as workers within the meaning of article 48 of the ec treaty.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


det skyldes, at deres samfundsmæssige bag grund i høj grad er medvirkende til deres evnet til at forhandle, lede en rundbordssamtale etc, som virker fremmende for succesen. men det skyldes også, at det udbytte, man kan få af et eksamensbevis er stærkt afhængigt af de forbindelser, familiemæssige eller andre, man råder over.


it is only logical that schooling strategies should be influenced less by the true value of diplomas on the labour market than by the value (always partially independent of the former) attributed to them by individuals in the light of their relationships with school and the labour market by virtue of their families' social status.* for instance, those who see school as the only means of climbing the social ladder, and those whose parents owe everything to education and have brought them up to revere schooling, are probably more inclined to make what others may feel is an irrational over­investment in their studies.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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