Sie suchten nach: i'm griat and you (Dänisch - Portugiesisch)


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i'm griat and you



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if you decide to bring your family with you to frankfurt and you have children of school age , the following information may be relevant :


if you decide to bring your family with you to frankfurt and you have children of school age , the following information may be relevant :

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


important: to mount this newly created truecrypt volume and to access data stored in it, click 'auto-mount devices' in the main truecrypt window. after you enter the correct password (and/or supply correct keyfiles), the volume will be mounted to the drive letter you select from the list in the main truecrypt window (and you will be able to access the encrypted data via the selected drive letter).please remember or write down the above steps. you must follow them whenever you want to mount the volume and access data stored in it. alternatively, in the main truecrypt window, click 'select device', then select this partition/volume, and click 'mount'.the partition/volume has been successfully encrypted (it contains a fully encrypted truecrypt volume now) and is ready for use.


importante: para montar este recÉm-criado volume truecrypt e acessar os dados armazenados nele, clique em 'auto-montar dispositivos' no janela principal do truecrypt. depois de digitar a senha correta (e/ou fornecer os arquivos-chave corretos), o volume será montado para a letra de unidade selecionada a partir da lista na janela principal do truecrypt (e você poderá acessar os dados criptografados por meio da letra de unidade selecionada).por favor, lembre-se ou anote os passos acima. vocÊ deve seguÍ-los, sempre que desejar montar o volume e acessar os dados armazenados nele. alternativamente, na janela principal do truecrypt, clique em 'selecionar dispositivo', selecione esta partição/volume e clique em 'montar'.a partição/volume foi criptografada(o) com sucesso (agora ela contém um volume truecrypt totalmente criptografado) e está pronto para uso.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2009-12-14
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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