Sie suchten nach: tansfer money in my account (Dänisch - Portugiesisch)


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tansfer money in my account



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in my considered opinion (efter min velovervejede mening)


'in my considered opinion' (na minha opinião considerada)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


in my not so humble opinion (efter min ikke så ydmyge mening)


'in my not so humble opinion' (na minha não- tão- modesta opinião)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


aamof: as a matter of fact: rent faktisk afaik: as far as i know: så vidt jeg ved aise: as i see it: set fra min side bfn: bye for now: farvel for nu bion: believe it or not: tro det eller ej brb: be right back: jeg er tilbage om et øjeblik btw: by the way: i øvrigt cmiiw: correct me if i am wrong: ret mig hvis jeg har uret fud: fear, uncertainty, and doubt: frygt usikkerhed og tvivl fwiw: for what it' s worth: for havd det er værd fyi: for your information: til information for dig hth: hope this helps: jeg håber det hjælper iirc: if i recall correctly: hvis jeg husker rigtigt imho: in my humble opinion: efter min ydmyge mening lol: laughing out loud: griner højt myob: mind your own business: pas dig selv pita: pain in the ass: en pine bagi rotfl: rolling on the floor laughing: ruller rundt på gulvet grinende rtfm: read the fine manual: læs den "fine" manual sop: standard operating procedure: standard handlingsprocedure tia: thanks in advance: på forhånd tak ymmv: your mileage may vary: det kan variere for dig


aamof: as a matter of fact (de facto) afaik: as far as i know (tanto quanto sei) aise: as i see it (como estou a ver) bfn: bye for now (por agora, adeus) bion: believe it or not (acredite ou não) brb: be right back (volto já) btw: by the way (já agora) cmiiw: correct me if i am wrong (corrija- me se estiver errado) fud: fear, uncertainty, and doubt (medo, incerteza e dúvida) fwiw: for what it' s worth (pelo que vale) fyi: for your information (para o informar) hth: hope this helps (espero que ajude) iirc: if i recall correctly (se bem me lembro) imho: in my humble opinion (na minha modesta opinião) lol: laughing out loud (a rir alto) myob: mind your own business (meta- se na sua vida) pita: pain in the ass (grande complicação) rotfl: rolling on the floor laughing (rebolar no chão a rir) rtfm: read the fine manual (leia o excelente manual) sop: standard operating procedure (procedimento operacional padrão) tia: thanks in advance (para já obrigado) ymmv: your mileage may vary (a sua distância pode variar)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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