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Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)



david chikvaidze

Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)

david chikavaidze

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-12-04
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


mr. alexander chikvaidze

Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)


Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-12-04
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


6 at its 5th plenary meeting, on 12 december, statements were made by: his excellency mr. jean dello, minister of posts and telecommunications of the republic of congo, his excellency the honourable mark j. mwandosya, minister for communications and transport of the republic of tanzania, his excellency professor el zibeir bashir taha, minister of sciences and technology of the republic of sudan, his excellency mr. séverin ndikumugongo, minister of transport of the republic of burundi, his excellency mr. abdulmalek al-moalemi, minister of telecommunications and information technology of the republic of yemen, his excellency mr. oviedo de jesus amaral, minister of transport, communication and public work of the democratic republic of timor-leste, his excellency mr. alexander chikvaidze, head of the delegation of georgia, his excellency mr. alvaro moscoso blanco, head of the delegation of the republic of bolivia, his excellency mr. nunzio alfredo d'angieri, head of the delegation of belize, his excellency mr. yaakov levy, head of the delegation of the state of israel, his excellency mr. manuel a gonzalez sanz, head of the delegation of the republic of costa rica, mr. joão augusto de médicis, executive secretary, community of the portuguese speaking countries, mis excellency mr. jean-pierre mazery, president of the council for communication, sovereign military order of malta, his excellency mr. carlyle corbin, observer of the united states virgin islands, mr. amir a. dossal, executive director, united nations fund for international partnerships.

Chinesisch (Vereinfacht)

6 在12月12日召开的第五次全体会议上发言的有:刚果共和国邮电部长jean dello先生阁下,坦桑尼亚共和国通信运输部长 mark j. mwandosya阁下,苏丹共和国科技部长el zibeir bashir taha教授阁下,布隆迪共和国运输部长 séverin ndikumugongo先生阁下,也门共和国电信和信息技术部长 abdulmalek al-moalemi先生阁下,东帝汶民主共和国运输通信和公共工程部长oviedo de jesus amaral先生阁下,格鲁吉亚代表团团长 aledander chikvaidze先生阁下,玻利维亚共和国代表团团长 alvaro moscoso blanco先生阁下,伯利兹代表团团长 nunzio alfredo d'angieri先生阁下,以色列国代表团团长 yaakov levy先生阁下,哥斯达黎加共和国代表团团长 manuel a gonzalez sanz先生阁下,葡萄牙语国家共同体执行秘书 joão augusto de médicis先生阁下,马耳他主权军事教团通信理事会主席jean-pierre mazery先生阁下,美属维尔京群岛观察员carlyle corbin先生阁下,联合国国际伙伴关系基金执行主任amir a. dossal 先生。

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-12-04
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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