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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-11-21
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 5


stratakis the president



Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-10-22
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2



mr ioannis stratakis grÈce working language:


m. ioannis stratakis grÈce langue de travail:

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2015-05-14
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1



mr stratakis ioannis sub soc prefectural councillor of florina, member of board of directors of enae.


m. stratakis ioannis sup soc prefectural councillor of florina, member of board of directors of enae.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2015-05-14
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1



presidents : mr georgios anomeritis, minister for mercantile marine mr christos verelis, minister for transport and communication mr manolis stratakis, state secretary for transport and communication of the hellenic republic


président: m. georgios anomeritis, ministre de la marine marchande m. christos verelis, ministre des transports et des communications m. manolis stratakis, secrétaire d'État aux transports et aux communications de la république hellénique

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2017-04-26
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1



mr stratakis said that the greek presidency, which takes over from the current danish presidency in january, would focus on 1st policies that promote inclusion, a key priority for 2003, which is eu ropean year of people with disabilities.


m. stratakis a déclaré que la présidence grec que - son pays prenant la relève du danemark en janvier - se concentrerait sur les politiques de tsi favorisant l'intégration, une priorité clé

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1



rodriguez pedro rodriguez ramos maria rossetto federico roux philippe russell-johnston santiago diogo schmied walter serra carraciolo francesco shakhambeh shrary simic aleksandar smaal omar stratakis emmanouil szinyei andràs taylor john d. tlili adel torchi mohamed larbi toumi hédi trinquelle isabelle vargas alfonso yucel faruk zeter catherine zikic sanja


rodriguez ramos maria rossetto federico roux philippe russell-johnston santiago diogo schmied walter serra carraciolo francesco shakhambeh shrary simic aleksandar smaal omar stratakis emmanouil szinyei andràs taylor john d. tlili adel torchi mohamed larbi toumi hédi trinquelle isabelle vargas alfonso yucel faruk zeter catherine zikic sanja

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2015-05-14
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1



a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z vademecum name rep/sub chamber group country mrs salamova gulnaz sub cpl nr azerbaijan mrs salkic aida sub cpr nr bosnia and herzegovina mr sallaku sabri rep cpl nr albania mr saltykov anatoly rep cpr soc russian federation mr salygin vasiliy rep cpr ildg ukraine mr samadashvili zaal rep cpr epp/cd georgia mrs samedova tamara sub cpl nr azerbaijan mr sandor jozef sub cpr nr serbia mr santic ratimir rep cpr soc croatia mr sanz vitorio juan josé rep cpr epp/cd spain mrs sarapuu kersti sub cpr ildg estonia mr sarbulescu constantin rep cpr soc romania mr sauwens johan sub cpr epp/cd belgium mrs savchenko tetyana sub cpl soc ukraine mr savva savvas rep cpl epp/cd cyprus mrs schevenels ann sub cpl nr belgium mrs schorer angelica rep cpr epp/cd germany mr schowtka peter sub cpr epp/cd germany mr schramm christian sub cpl epp/cd germany dr schuster wolfgang rep cpl epp/cd germany dr schÜtz jürgen rep cpl epp/cd germany mr sedlacek pavol rep cpr epp/cd slovak republic mr senyk miroslav sub cpr epp/cd ukraine mrs sfirloaga ludmila rep cpr soc romania mr shakespeare david rep cpr epp/cd united kingdom mr shoshilos andreas sub cpl nr cyprus mr shubin igor sub cpl nr russian federation mrs sidukhina marina rep cpl nr russian federation mrs siegl-kniezova ivana sub cpr ildg slovak republic mr simelis vytautas rep cpr soc lithuania mrs simonetti emilia rep cpr soc italy mr skard halvdan rep cpl soc norway mr skomorokhin konstantin sub cpl nr russian federation mr slavik frantisek sub cpr epp/cd czech republic mr slavkovic jovan sub cpl nr serbia mr smajlovic husein sub cpl nr bosnia and herzegovina mrs smolinska elzbieta sub cpl nr poland mr smyla joachim rep cpl epp/cd poland mr soguel bernard rep cpr soc switzerland mr sokolov alexander sub cpl epp/cd russian federation mr souchon rené rep cpr soc france mr spartanski georg rep cpl epp/cd bulgaria mrs spinosa mariacristina sub cpr soc italy mr stadelmann jürgen sub cpr epp/cd germany mrs stahii elena sub cpl soc moldova mrs stahl-kerber* monika sub cpr nr liechtenstein mrs stark annelie sub cpr soc sweden mr stepanovs nikolajs rep cpr epp/cd latvia mr stÖckling hans ulrich rep cpr ildg switzerland mr stoikov* yordan sub cpr nr bulgaria mr stoilov* atanas rep cpr epp/cd bulgaria mrs storm rasmussen vibeke rep cpr soc denmark mr stratakis ioannis sub cpr soc greece mrs suica dubravka rep cpl epp/cd croatia mr suzan georges sub cpr soc france mrs svavarsdottir svandis rep cpl soc iceland mr svendsen poul-erik sub cpr soc denmark mr svensson raymond rep cpr ildg sweden mr swiecicki marcin sub cpr nr poland mr swietalski leszek rep cpl ildg poland mr sychev valery sub cpr ildg russian federation mrs szabados dagmar sub cpl nr germany mr szabo gellert rep cpl epp/cd hungary mr szabo lorand rep cpl soc hungary mrs szkopinska iwona sub cpl ildg poland mrs szucs erika rep cpr soc hungary


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z vademecum nom rep/sup chambre groupe pays mme salamova gulnaz sup cpl ni azerbaÏdjan mme salkic aida sup cpr ni bosnie-herzÉgovine m. sallaku sabri rep cpl ni albanie m. saltykov anatoly rep cpr soc fÉdÉration de russie m. salygin vasiliy rep cpr gild ukraine m. samadashvili zaal rep cpr ppe/dc gÉorgie mme samedova tamara sup cpl ni azerbaÏdjan m. sandor jozef sup cpr ni serbie m. santic ratimir rep cpr soc croatie m. sanz vitorio juan josé rep cpr ppe/dc espagne mme sarapuu kersti sup cpr gild estonie m. sarbulescu constantin rep cpr soc roumanie m. sauwens johan sup cpr ppe/dc belgique mme savchenko tetyana sup cpl soc ukraine m. savva savvas rep cpl ppe/dc chypre mme schevenels ann sup cpl ni belgique mme schorer angelica rep cpr ppe/dc allemagne m. schowtka peter sup cpr ppe/dc allemagne m. schramm christian sup cpl ppe/dc allemagne dr schuster wolfgang rep cpl ppe/dc allemagne dr schÜtz jürgen rep cpl ppe/dc allemagne m. sedlacek pavol rep cpr ppe/dc rÉpublique slovaque m. senyk miroslav sup cpr ppe/dc ukraine mme sfirloaga ludmila rep cpr soc roumanie m. shakespeare david rep cpr ppe/dc royaume-uni m. shoshilos andreas sup cpl ni chypre m. shubin igor sup cpl ni fÉdÉration de russie mme sidukhina marina rep cpl ni fÉdÉration de russie mme siegl-kniezova ivana sup cpr gild rÉpublique slovaque m. simelis vytautas rep cpr soc lituanie mme simonetti emilia rep cpr soc italie m. skard halvdan rep cpl soc norvÈge m. skomorokhin konstantin sup cpl ni fÉdÉration de russie m. slavik frantisek sup cpr ppe/dc rÉpublique tchÈque m. slavkovic jovan sup cpl ni serbie m. smajlovic husein sup cpl ni bosnie-herzÉgovine mme smolinska elzbieta sup cpl ni pologne m. smyla joachim rep cpl ppe/dc pologne m. soguel bernard rep cpr soc suisse m. sokolov alexander sup cpl ppe/dc fÉdÉration de russie m. souchon rené rep cpr soc france m. spartanski georg rep cpl ppe/dc bulgarie mme spinosa mariacristina sup cpr soc italie m. stadelmann jürgen sup cpr ppe/dc allemagne mme stahii elena sup cpl soc moldova mme stahl-kerber* monika sup cpr ni liechtenstein mme stark annelie sup cpr soc suÈde m. stepanovs nikolajs rep cpr ppe/dc lettonie m. stÖckling hans ulrich rep cpr gild suisse m. stoikov* yordan sup cpr ni bulgarie m. stoilov* atanas rep cpr ppe/dc bulgarie mme storm rasmussen vibeke rep cpr soc danemark m. stratakis ioannis sup cpr soc grÈce mme suica dubravka rep cpl ppe/dc croatie m. suzan georges sup cpr soc france mme svavarsdottir svandis rep cpl soc islande m. svendsen poul-erik sup cpr soc danemark m. svensson raymond rep cpr gild suÈde m. swiecicki marcin sup cpr ni pologne m. swietalski leszek rep cpl gild pologne m. sychev valery sup cpr gild fÉdÉration de russie mme szabados dagmar sup cpl ni allemagne m. szabo gellert rep cpl ppe/dc hongrie m. szabo lorand rep cpl soc hongrie mme szkopinska iwona sup cpl gild pologne mme szucs erika rep cpr soc hongrie

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2015-05-14
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


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