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brain based learning



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play based learning


pembelajaran berasaskan inkuiri

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2022-01-12
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


generic card based learning program


permainan pembelajaran berasaskan kad generik

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-08-15
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


teaching and learning cannot be implemented due to conduct of home based learning


teaching and learning cannot be implemented due to conduct of home based learning

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-06-22
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


homeschooling, also referred to as home based learning, is an educational process where parents or tutors teach children at home, instead of having them formally educated in a public or provided school setting.


persekolahan di rumah, juga dirujuk sebagai pembelajaran berasaskan rumah, ialah proses pendidikan di mana ibu bapa atau tutor mengajar anak-anak di rumah, bukannya mendidik mereka secara rasmi di persekitaran sekolah awam atau disediakan.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-11-24
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


in his statement, the use of information and communication technology-based learning strategies in teaching and learning sessions that have been implemented increases the motivation of students to follow the teaching and learning sessions that have been implemented.


oleh itu, penggunaan resos pembelajaran berasaskan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi dalam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan meningkatkan motivasi murid untuk mengikuti sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2022-04-10
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


c/interviews with semi structured protocols were conducted on ten linus teachers and six linus students in northern malaysia. the results showed that linus teachers and students responded positively to the cerdik bm series 1. the application of virtual game based learning approach can create an entertainment learning environment to stimulate linus students which helps to improve their literacy skills. per se, an innovative pedagogical tool that integrates technology can increase the interest of


c / temu ramah dengan protokol separa berstruktur dilakukan terhadap sepuluh guru linus dan enam pelajar linus di malaysia utara. hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa guru dan pelajar linus memberi reaksi positif terhadap cerdik bm siri 1. aplikasi pendekatan pembelajaran berasaskan permainan maya dapat mewujudkan persekitaran pembelajaran hiburan untuk merangsang pelajar linus yang membantu meningkatkan kemahiran literasi mereka. per se, alat pedagogi inovatif yang mengintegrasikan teknologi dapat meningkatkan minat

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-07-02
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


challenges challenges are game tasks or exercises. depending on genre games can have physical, economical, conceptual, tactical, logistic, exploration and logic challenges (adams, 2009). most of the educational exercises are related with the conceptual and logic challenges. the easiest method to implement game like challenges is to design exercises like quizzes that require active interaction and participation (cheong, cheong, & filippou, 2013). when project or problem-based learning is implemented, students can plan and choose between different strategies. some organise physical activities combined with learning tasks for activating students (e.g., mobile learning guided tours) (hansen, 2005). economical challenges can be related with game-like assignments where students collect items for solving exercises. those items can be used in the next assignments (e.g., materials for crafting) (sheldon, 2011). 2.1 resource accumulation accumulating resources: finding, unlocking, collecting and managing limited resources are the core elements of game economical challenges. examples of economical challenges vary from accumulating resources (also points) to achieving balance in ecosystem or taking care of living things (adams, 2009). teachers can provide in-game “currency” for students for certain achievements. later they can change his currency with items that are useful for solving further challenges (like drawing sets or software licenses) (sheldon, 2011). 2.2 creative play creative play is related with the possibility to design game elements from smaller items like weapons and vehicles to entire game words like game levels. in the construction and management game genre main challenges are based on creativity (adams, 2009). creative play is similar to the problem- or project-based learning or to inquiry-based learning where the starting point (problem or idea) is set but the outcome can be different – depending on the selection of content and methods. competition scoreboard fight big boss challenges resource accumulation creative play decision making 7 2.3 decision making making decisions is central part in all game challenges (costikyan, 2002). even shooting games are related with the decisions like run or attack. in the strategy games all challenges are related with decisions. players are forced to make decisions in order to proceed. decision-making is part of the interaction. in some genres decisionmaking is related with moral choices (ethical aspects of the game). researchers have found that games can teach making decision (prensky, 2007) because they generate safe environment for failing. business simulators are classical examples of using games for learning decision-making through authentic tasks (kiili, 2005). games teach to take risks (prensky, 2007). usually, players fail with the mission several times before they reach to the goal. although teachers have access to educational patterns like three bears, mission impossible and mistake (bergin et al., n.d.) that try to reduce the students’ fear towards failure, traditional schools are punishing and discouraging students for failures with negative grades. 2.4 risk risk is a game element that is most difficult to integrate with the course design. risk can be created with the help of uncertainty. uncertainty can be achieved with the help of luck (or chance or randomness). but it can be generated also with the help of hidden information that will be revealed when player takes risk or generated by the action of the opposite player (adams, 2009). at the same time using the luck in educational conditions can teach the chance seeking (bardone, 2012). in the educational conditions risk can be implemented for example in the format of quiz between two students. risk requires reward. some games are heavily based on randomness (e.g., gambling) but players prefer to believe that their achievements are based on skills (adams, 2009) and not on luck. therefore randomness should be used rarely and with caution. in the educational conditions randomness can be used by rolling the dice for selecting the student who has to make a presentation (sheldon, 2011). decision making safe environment moral and ethics challenges interactions uncertainty luck (chance) unknown information opponent’s actions


Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-10-18
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym
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