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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2015-09-21
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


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166 succeeding in numerical reasoning tests one with which we had to multiply the denominator in the same fraction. in the illus- tration, the numerator in the left fraction needs to be multiplied by 7 and the numerator in the right fraction needs to be multiplied by 3. the last step is to simply add up the two numerators. example of application imagine that you have the following three pieces of information: • 30% of italians believe that the minimum wage must be increased three in five italians believe that the minimum wage must remain unchanged the rest believe it should be eliminated to increase competitiveness based on the wording of the above, we can be sure that there is no overlap between the groups - one group believes in an increase, the other in maintaining the current level, the third in eliminating it. we have to answer the following question: q. what percentage of italians believe that the minimum wage must remain unchanged or increase? to answer the above question with fractions, we need to express "30%" and "three in five" in the form of fractions and then add up the two. "30%" = 3 / 10 "three in five" = 3 / 5 the proportion we are looking for, then, is as follows: 3/10 + 3/5 you will notice that in this particular case, only the second fraction will need to be "converted". if we multiply both the numerator and the denominator of that fraction by 2, the two denominators will be identical and we can perform the addition. 3/10 + 6/10 = 9/10 by using fractions, we can answer the question by saying that 90% of italians believe the minimum wage needs to be retained or increased, and 10% believe it should be elim- inated. when solving numerical reasoning tests, it is always worth considering for a second whether we can take advantage of fractions - they are an extremely powerful tool in reducing seemingly complex relationships into the simplest of calculations. calculating ratios the two major mathematical concepts used during the exam are ratio and percentage calculations. what, then, is a ratio? let's take the following example: q. there are 120 people working in a company ofwhom 24 are hungarian. what is the percent- age of hungarians in the company? in such calculations there are three elements: the total (in this case the 120 employees), the subgroup we are looking at (here the 24 hungarians), and the ratio, which is the rela- tionship between the other two elements. in the exam you will be given two of these ele- ments and have to find the third.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-04-21
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym
Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung


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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-03-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-08-20
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2

Referenz: Anonym


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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-02-11
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-09-24
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym


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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-08-25
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 62

Referenz: Anonym


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فیلم سکسی خارجی ففیلم سکس فراسعرانسه

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2023-06-18
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 5

Referenz: Anonym

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