Sie suchten nach: yes yes yes that's good for you ilov... (Englisch - Portugiesisch)


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yes yes yes that's good for you ilove you so much



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anything for you i love you so much


eu sinto sua falta minha princesa,

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2021-08-30
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2

Referenz: Anonym


lasted then the covenant too long for you, or desired ye that the wrath from your lord should alight on you, so that ye failed to keep my appointment?


porventura o tempo vos pareceu demasiado longo? ou quisestes que vos açoitasse a abominação do vossosenhor, e por isso quebrastes a promessa que me fizestes?

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-07-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2

Referenz: Anonym


"if exercise is supposed to be so good for you, how come it hurts so much?" it's a common question but the truth is that anyone who has bad memories associated with getting physically active was probably being asked to approach it in the wrong way.


“se é suposto que o exercício seja bom, porque se torna tão doloroso no final?”.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym
Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung


] though our ancestors were spoils of europe's treachery, and from this very spot, due to the unavenged bones of our relatives, far valleys are seen turning white, i, unarmed and alone, come looking for you, so much i expect from you.


Ó general famoso, .......... bem que nossos avós fossem despojo da perfídia de europa, e daqui mesmo com os não vingados ossos dos parentes se vejam branquejar ao longe os vales, eu, desarmado e só, buscar-te venho, tanto espero de ti.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2020-08-01
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Luizfernando4


my love, my life, worried about you! how are your kids, worried about your head and your heart in relation to everything that happened there ... still had not watched a tv and nor seen like news in the computer .. i left home early, i left my car for the review, so i did not come home at lunch, i stayed in the office .. and reread your emails of love .... i imagined you .... thinking of you, i asked god to bring you ... or god heard my prayers, do not let anything bad happen ... my love cares for me and for you, worried about your pain with respect to your boys ... i prayed to god to look for them ...... proudly for you having arrested 4 of the terrorists ...... counting the minutes for you to leave afghanistan, do not forgive god if he does not bring you here, my love ... at this moment, now embrace you and take this pain out of your chest. my love life has no meaning without you by my side, i love you so much, my husband franklin .... i want you to try to rest, my love and in your rest, feel me kissing you a lot, and remember i'll always be here waiting for my you life, my sunshine every sunrise. send news, very worried about you .. i love you. i love you, i love you ... <3 his wife eleusa.


iâ € ™ m o seu olhar para

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-11-22
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2

Referenz: Anonym
Warnung: Enthält unsichtbare HTML-Formatierung

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