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my brother didn't cry when he fell of his bike



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he lost his position at the royal court when he fell in love with the king's sister; he spent the rest of his life as an itinerant bard.


perdió su puesto en la corte real cuando se enamoró de la hermana del rey, y pasó el resto de su vida como un itinerante bardo.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


on 18 february 2014, goddaert was killed during a training ride in antwerp, when he fell from his bike and was struck by a de lijn bus.


el 18 de febrero de 2014 falleció cuando al pasar por unas vías de tren perdió el equilibrio, cayó y fue atropellado por un autobús.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


the hopes many placed in the seemingly untainted figure of boudiaf were soon dashed when he fell to a bullet from one of his own security guards in late june.


muchos tenían sus esperanzas puestas en la incorrupta figura de boudiaf, esperanzas que se desvanecieron cuando éste cayó muerto disparado por uno de sus guardias de seguridad a finales de junio.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


but when he turned from the source of his strength, and went forward relying upon himself, he fell a prey to temptation.


pero cuando se alejó de la fuente de su fuerza y se apoyó en si mismo, cayó presa de la tentación.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


julian woods was baptized and confirmed in the church of his father but probably during his youth there was a period when he fell away from his church.


julian woods fue bautizado y luego reciubió la confirmación en la iglesia paterna pero probablemente durante su juventud tuvo un período en el que se apartó de su iglesia.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


when he failed to produce his passport he was reportedly forced out of his cell with his hands cuffed behind his back and beaten with batons until he fell to his knees.


como no lo tenía, habría sido obligado a salir de su celda con las manos esposadas por la espalda y golpeado con porras hasta que cayó de rodillas.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-11-29
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


first of all one has to recall, despite his not being a benedictine, his devotion to saint benedict, to whom he attributed his cure when he fell gravely ill in the aristocratic castle of his family.


ante todo hay que recordar, pese a que él nunca fue benedictino, precisamente su devoción por san benito, al que atribuye su curación cuando de muchacho estuvo gravemente enfermo en el castillo de su familia.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


this chapter introduces your spiritual enemy, a powerful force of evil known as satan. you will learn of his origin, his former position, how he fell from his former position, and of those he took with him when he fell.


este capítulo presenta a tu enemigo espiritual, una fuerza espiritual poderosa del mal conocida como satanás. aprenderás de su origen, su posición anterior, cómo cayó de ella, y de aquellos que llevó juntamente con él en su caída.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


1-the years in office had made some difference in john kennedy. he was older looking now. there were lines in his face and gray hair in the thick red-brown hair. he still moved quickly and gracefully, however, and his confidence and humor had not diminished. 2-on november 21, 1963, three years after his election, he left washington for a tour of texas. mrs. kennedy went with him. one city on the tour was dallas. most of the business leaders of dallas were protestants and strongly conservative. many were bitterly against kennedy. a month ago, adlai stevenson, an aide to president kennedy, had gone to dallas. during his speech, he had been heckled. when he had come out of the hall, a crowd of pickets had pushed against him. a woman had hit him on the head with a sign and a man had spit in stevenson's face. 3-because of these incidents, these was concern for the president's safety. however, all went well in texas as the tour began. cheering crowds greeted the president in san antonio, houston, and fort worth. on friday, november 22, the president left fort worth and flew to dallas for a parade and dinner. 4-shortly before noon in dallas, the parade began. it was a beautiful day: "kennedy weather," it was later said. cheering crowds lined the streets and increased in number as the parade neared the center of the town. only a few anti-kennedy signs were seen. 5-the president rode in the first car with mrs. kennedy, who looked beautiful in a bright pink suit and hat to match. texas governor connally and his wife were in the same car. secret service men protecting the president rode in his car the next one: the bubble top of the president's car had been removed and the bullet-proof windows were open. he stood up most of the time waving to the crowd. as the parade slowed to make a turn, kennedy sat down and began to talk with the connallys. "you can't say that dallas is not friendly to you today," said mrs. connally. 6-there was a sharp crackling sound. the president jerked and clutched his neck. governor connally turned around. the sound could have been a motorcycle backfiring. then the sound was repeated. there was no mistaking it. someone was shooting at the president’s car. 7-there was a burst of blood from the back of president kennedy’s head and he fell forward into the arms of mrs. kennedy’s. governor connally was shot at the same time and tumbled into the arms of his wife. it happened in about six seconds. “oh, my god!” cried mrs. kennedy. “they have shot my husband. jack! jack!” 8-when the limousine came to parkland hospital, the president lay unconscious in the arms of his wife. in minutes, both the president and governor connally were being carried on stretchers into emergency rooms. 9-doctors worked desperately to save the president’s life, but there was no hope. mrs. kennedy stood quietly in the room as they worked, but her eyes were filled with tears. in the meantime, governor connally was also being examined. his wounds were serious, but not fatal. 10-at 1:33 p.m., a press aide, red-eyed and with a sharking voice, told the waiting reporters, “president john f. kennedy died at approximately 1:00 p.m. here in dallas. he died of a gunshot wound in the brain.” 11- there was a stunned hush for a moment after the statement was read. then the reporters rushed to the telephone. all over the country, people listening or watching as the news was broadcast had the same stunned, unbelieving reaction. 12- that afternoon, dallas police arrested a man named lee harvey oswald, who was suspected of being the assassin. oswald, however, was never brought to trial, for two days later, he himself was killed. as he was being moved from the city jail to the county jail, a dallas man named jack ruby jumped from the crowd of newspapermen and shot pswald. ruby died in prison three years later. 13- the full details of the assassination may never be known. after johnson became president, he appointed a commision led by supreme courrt justice earl warren to investigate john kennedy’s death. the warren commission concluded that lee harvey oswald was the killer, and that he acted alone and was not part of a conspiracy. there were conflicting reports, however, of how many shots were fired and where they came from, and the results of the investigation were much disputed.


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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2012-11-26
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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