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the closure of rehabilitation beds over a long period of time has meant that people have not been able to return to the community quickly enough or have not been able to find the appropriate care or have not been able to move that one stage further towards being rehabilitated into the community
mae cau gwelyau ailsefydlu dros gyfnod maith wedi golygu na fu modd i bobl ddychwelyd i'r gymuned yn ddigon cyflym neu na fu modd iddynt ganfod y gofal priodol neu na fu modd iddynt symud un cam ymhellach tuag at gael eu hailsefydlu yn y gymuned
it is a stark reality that incidents of substance misuse are a drop in the ocean when compared to the use of tobacco , and that a significant percentage of substance abusers who are successfully rehabilitated die of tobacco-related illnesses
y gwir amdani yw bod achosion o gamddefnyddio sylweddau yn fach iawn o'u cymharu â'r defnydd o dybaco , a bod canran sylweddol o gamddefnyddwyr cyffuriau a gaiff eu hadfer yn llwyddiannus yn marw o salwch sy'n gysylltiedig â thybaco
in addition , if somebody is evicted , a support structure must be in place to help them , so that where they are able and willing to be rehabilitated and overcome the social , economic , and , often , the solvent abuse , problems that they are suffering , they have the opportunity to become a useful member of society again
yn ogystal â hynny , os caiff rhywun ei droi allan , rhaid cael fframwaith i'w gynorthwyo , fel y caiff gyfle , os yw'n abl ac yn barod i gael ei ailsefydlu ac i ddatrys y problemau cymdeithasol ac economaidd sydd ganddo , a rhai sy'n ymwneud â chamddefnyddio toddyddion hefyd mewn sawl achos , i ddod yn aelod defnyddiol o gymdeithas unwaith eto